Zotero in firefox stops working and need to be reinstalled every now and then.

report id: 522002677

I am using:

Zotero stand-alone together with
Firefox (Firefox 30.0, Zotero plugin plugin.

As the title indicates. My problem is that the firefox plugin works for a while and then stops working. Stop working means, when you visit a paper website, there will be no "Save to Zetero" icons in the address bar. This problem can be solved by reinstalling the firefox plugin and restarting firfox.

So that I have to reinstall Zotero plugin for firefox approximate twice a month, and sometime, once every week. This is really annoying.

No paper page works for me now and Just name one page url: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1000533

OS: Windows XP Sp3
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