Note font size & CSS in

Fired up Zotero after it had done an update and discovered that all my notes are in absolutely tiny text. Turns out that it is no longer possible to have no value for the "Note font size", either in the Preferences > General tab or in extensions.zotero.note.fontSize in about:config. Deleting the value results in a default value of "6" being given. Unfortunately, this seems to over-rule <p> sizes set in note.css - but not <li> or <h> sizes.

Does anyone know if this accident or design?

  • I believe this is a side-effect of adding a minimum value for note.fontSize (which was done because someone's notes vanished with a note size of 0 or 1 or so), so mostly by design. Not sure why this is a problem for you, though? Can't you just input whatever note size font you want and be OK?
  • What adamsmith says, but for the next version I've changed it to default to 11 instead of 6 for old invalid pref values.
  • Thanks guys! The only problem with setting a global font size for all <p> elements is that I have a few custom styles that I include in my note.css and call by going into the HTML and adding a "class" attribute to a <p> or <li> element. Any font size in these custom styles gets over-ruled by the default note.fontSize when I apply the class to a <p> (but not an <li>), which is annoying when I'm using a font in my custom style that needs a significantly different size than the default.

    I would, however, imagine that I'm in a pretty tiny minority of people who use note.css like this, and a default font size for notes if people accidentally delete the fontSize value or set it too small makes sense for the vast majority of users!

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