Science style error?: commas instead of periods after journal article titles.
It's great that Zotero now has a Science citation style that includes titles.
However, I noticed that it's inserting a comma after the article title instead of a period.
Science clearly states that, "Titles of cited articles can now be included, with words in lower case except for proper nouns, followed by a period" (
However, I noticed that it's inserting a comma after the article title instead of a period.
Science clearly states that, "Titles of cited articles can now be included, with words in lower case except for proper nouns, followed by a period" (
1. There should be a comma before "Jr." part.
2. For books/book sections, there should be no comma after book title (before publisher in parentheses) when there is no editor. I.e. the rule is no comma before parentheses.
3. Edition information is not printed (i.e. it should be)
4. Space missing before publication title when citing a newspaper (e.g. sample on, though that probably never gets cited in Science.
(This is only an error on, it renders correctly in Word: Journal abbreviations are supposed to be initialized. Also, it seems that automatic abbreviations are not applied in the samples online? E.g. The New York Times article renders as "N.Y. Times" in Word with automatic abbreviations)
Here's RDF of some of the samples give in Science website: (no reports or conference papers)
Not sure if I'll have time to actually fix this today. Maybe adamsmith will get to it first.
I'll leave the other changes to someone who knows what they're doing...