Harvard Citation style help needed
I am very new to Zotero and am struggling to find the correct citation style. I was trained at the university of Cape Town and we use the Harvard style adapted for UCT.
In text looks like this: (author, date: 23)
and bibliography like this:
Jungnickel, K. and Horth, L. 2014. Methodological entanglements in the field: methods, transitions and transmissions. Visual studies (name of journal in italics). 29(2): 136-145.
Anyone know what the closest match might be? I've had a look already, but struggling!
I am very new to Zotero and am struggling to find the correct citation style. I was trained at the university of Cape Town and we use the Harvard style adapted for UCT.
In text looks like this: (author, date: 23)
and bibliography like this:
Jungnickel, K. and Horth, L. 2014. Methodological entanglements in the field: methods, transitions and transmissions. Visual studies (name of journal in italics). 29(2): 136-145.
Anyone know what the closest match might be? I've had a look already, but struggling!
Here are the detailed changes that would need to be made to UoG Harvard style in order to add the UCT Harvard style to the directory. I have used examples to illustrate.
UoG in text: (Cameron et al., 2013, p.13)
UCT in text: (Cameron et al., 2013: 13)
So the exact changes there are that there is a colon after the date, not a comma, and there is no 'p.' in front of the page number. As in UoG, the UCT style does not require you add a page number unless quoting directly from the source.
UoG bibliography (book):
Cameron, J., Healy, S. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2013) Take Back the Economy : An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities, Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press
UCT bibliography (book):
Cameron, J., Healy, S. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. 2013. Take Back the Economy : An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press.
Changes:Authors stay the same. Date is not bracketed, but has a full stop after it. In both cases, the title of the book is in italics. UCT style has a full stop after the title rather than a comma. UCT version always has a full stop at the end of the reference/after the name of publisher.
Tedlock, B. (2011) Braiding Narrative Ethnography with Memoir and Creative Non-Fiction, In: Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE, pp.331–340
UCT bibliography (section in book):
Tedlock, B. 2011. Braiding Narrative Ethnography with Memoir and Creative Non-Fiction. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln, Eds. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE. 331–340.
Changes: Once again, date not bracketed, followed by a full stop. Title of section followed by a full stop, not a comma. In not followed by puctuation (remove colon). Editors = initials FIRST, Surname second follwed by a comma, Eds (or , Ed if there is just one)- first letter of Ed capitalised. Full stop after book title. And then full stop after name of publisher, no p. before the page number.Full stop at end.
Cameron, J. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2003) Feminising the Economy: Metaphors, Strategies, Politics, Gender, Place & Culture 10 (2): 145–157
UCT bibliography (journal article):
Cameron, J. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. 2003. Feminising the Economy: Metaphors, Strategies, Politics. Gender, Place & Culture. 10(2): 145–157.
Changes: date not bracketed, full stop after. Again, full stop after article title. name of journal in italics (same as UoG), but followed by a full stop, not a comma. No space between journal edition and number. Ends with full stop after page no.
I so appreciate your help!
just wondering if you heard anything. I am at Stellenbosch University and I am also interested in this style
The style should be available for download shortly (~30 minutes) from https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=cape town See notes here (first post) for some limitations and usage for special cases.
Sorry for the delay. It was a lot more work than I bargained for, but that's probably my own fault for being so picky. Enjoy!