Harvard Citation style help needed


I am very new to Zotero and am struggling to find the correct citation style. I was trained at the university of Cape Town and we use the Harvard style adapted for UCT.

In text looks like this: (author, date: 23)
and bibliography like this:

Jungnickel, K. and Horth, L. 2014. Methodological entanglements in the field: methods, transitions and transmissions. Visual studies (name of journal in italics). 29(2): 136-145.

Anyone know what the closest match might be? I've had a look already, but struggling!

  • Have you tried using http://editor.citationstyles.org/searchByExample/ to find something similar. If adamsmith comes around, he'll probably know something off the top of his head.
  • I have found something similar, but nothing exactly what I wanted. Might just have to go with that though :) Thanks for your help - I didn't know about that search!
  • You can always make edits to the style. If you found something close, it shouldn't be too hard. https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/citation_styles/style_editing_step-by-step
  • Harvard - University of Glouscester is a close match, but there are still some elements that I am not keen on. Interested in how in-text citations with page numbers come out in it though, as I specifically do not want the pp.23 to come up, just want (author, date: 23). That's my main concern really!
  • Hmm that looks a bit technical for me to manage! I am a computer-phobe!
  • FWIW, UCT does have a very detailed referencing guide. If you point out the exact changes that need to be made to the UoG style, adamsmith or I can probably make them in the style and add the style to the official repository.
  • Wow, that would be amazing. Thanks so much. I will do so and get back to you on this if that's okay?
  • edited May 7, 2014
    Hi aurimas

    Here are the detailed changes that would need to be made to UoG Harvard style in order to add the UCT Harvard style to the directory. I have used examples to illustrate.

    UoG in text: (Cameron et al., 2013, p.13)
    UCT in text: (Cameron et al., 2013: 13)

    So the exact changes there are that there is a colon after the date, not a comma, and there is no 'p.' in front of the page number. As in UoG, the UCT style does not require you add a page number unless quoting directly from the source.

    UoG bibliography (book):
    Cameron, J., Healy, S. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2013) Take Back the Economy : An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities, Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press

    UCT bibliography (book):
    Cameron, J., Healy, S. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. 2013. Take Back the Economy : An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press.

    Changes:Authors stay the same. Date is not bracketed, but has a full stop after it. In both cases, the title of the book is in italics. UCT style has a full stop after the title rather than a comma. UCT version always has a full stop at the end of the reference/after the name of publisher.

  • @aurimas - I don't do University styles (unless someone pays me to) so this one's for you.
  • Sure thing. Just waiting for that "cont..."
  • edited May 7, 2014
    UoG bibliography (section in book:
    Tedlock, B. (2011) Braiding Narrative Ethnography with Memoir and Creative Non-Fiction, In: Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE, pp.331–340

    UCT bibliography (section in book):
    Tedlock, B. 2011. Braiding Narrative Ethnography with Memoir and Creative Non-Fiction. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln, Eds. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE. 331–340.

    Changes: Once again, date not bracketed, followed by a full stop. Title of section followed by a full stop, not a comma. In not followed by puctuation (remove colon). Editors = initials FIRST, Surname second follwed by a comma, Eds (or , Ed if there is just one)- first letter of Ed capitalised. Full stop after book title. And then full stop after name of publisher, no p. before the page number.Full stop at end.
  • edited May 7, 2014
    Awesome! thanks auremis. Really appreciate your time. I'll just do a journal article for you too..sorry I am a bit slow!
  • UoG bibliography (journal article):
    Cameron, J. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2003) Feminising the Economy: Metaphors, Strategies, Politics, Gender, Place & Culture 10 (2): 145–157

    UCT bibliography (journal article):
    Cameron, J. & Gibson-Graham, J.K. 2003. Feminising the Economy: Metaphors, Strategies, Politics. Gender, Place & Culture. 10(2): 145–157.

    Changes: date not bracketed, full stop after. Again, full stop after article title. name of journal in italics (same as UoG), but followed by a full stop, not a comma. No space between journal edition and number. Ends with full stop after page no.
  • Am I giving enough detail? Are there any other categories I need to show you?
  • @aurimas - hi there again! I was just wondering if you've made any progress on the UCT Harvard style?

    I so appreciate your help!
  • I was following the guide (which is way way way extensive) and it required quite a bit of tweaking, so this got delayed. I should have this done by the end of the week (when I find some free time).
  • No worries - you're doing me such a big favour! If we were in the same country I would send you a big bottle of wine!
  • Hi Hoskinem,
    just wondering if you heard anything. I am at Stellenbosch University and I am also interested in this style
  • Went through the list of items down to Government Publications (so nothing below and including that is tested, except for Thesis). If something is messed up with those item types, we'll fix it later. Feel free to report.

    The style should be available for download shortly (~30 minutes) from https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=cape town See notes here (first post) for some limitations and usage for special cases.

    Sorry for the delay. It was a lot more work than I bargained for, but that's probably my own fault for being so picky. Enjoy!
  • aurimas thank you so much! I am much in your debt! You have made my life much easier, I really appreciate it!
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