Crashing when adding citation to OpenOffice 4.1


I'm not sure if it's related, but since I downloaded the new update for OpenOffice 4.1, the Quick Format Citation box is freezing on the progress bar.

I use Zotero for Firefox.

It seem to let me edit or add one citation, and then on the second one it freezes. The only way to get out is to close Firefox entirely and OpenOffice, which becomes non-responsive.

I tried to produce a debug output, in case it is at all helpful:

The Debug ID is D677496768.

Appreciate some help, even with identifying whether the problem is with Zotero or OpenOffice.

  • Having the same issue, only with Zotero standalone
  • Anyone any thoughts?
  • Might it be that LibreOffice will work more reliably with the plugin?
  • But in either case, we would want a Debug ID for when the freeze happens. If Firefox is unresponsive and you have to close it, then the Debug ID is not useful. In that case we would want a debug log from real-time debug output
  • Hi, thanks for the feedback. LibreOffice does not solve the problem, tried that already.

    It's not Firefox that freezes, it's OpenOffice. Also, when closing Zotero standalone, the process Zotero.exe stays active in the taskmanager, and adding citations in OpenOffice does not work at all (not even the first citation) until Zotero.exe is terminated manually and restarted.

    Here's the debug log:
    Could not read chrome manifest 'file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Zotero%20Standalone/xulrunner/chrome.manifest'.

    While creating services from category 'profile-after-change', could not create service for entry 'Disk Space Watcher Service', contract ID ';1'

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:50
    Warning: Unknown property '-moz-border-radius'. Declaration dropped.
    Source File: chrome://zotero-platform/content/integration.css
    Line: 30, Column: 19
    Source Code:
    -moz-border-radius: 15px;

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:44:51
    Warning: Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/integration/windowDraggingUtils.js
    Line: 54

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:45:07
    Warning: Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/utilities.js
    Line: 1066

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:45:08
    Warning: Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead.
    Source File: chrome://zotero/content/integration/windowDraggingUtils.js
    Line: 54

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:48:33
    Warning: WARN addons.updates: Update manifest for did not contain an updates property
    Source File: resource://gre/modules/AddonUpdateChecker.jsm
    Line: 312

    Timestamp: 05.06.2014 09:48:33
    Warning: WARN addons.updates: Update manifest for did not contain an updates property
    Source File: resource://gre/modules/AddonUpdateChecker.jsm
    Line: 312
  • It's not Firefox that freezes, it's OpenOffice.
    Then please submit a Debug ID (see my link) beginning with a functioning OpenOffice up to where OpenOffice freezes. You just need to post the Debug ID here.

    Also, in the mean time, if you have any security software installed, try disabling it.
  • Hi aurimas,

    Well, this is weird. Tried to provoke the same behaviour now with debugging enabled, but everything worked fine. Then tried to provoke the same behaviour again as described above, but again, all worked flawless. Looks like this problem solved itself somehow...

    Thanks for you time anyway!
  • I wonder how this solved itself. I'm actually experiencing the same problem. I use the latest versions of Windows 8, Firefox, Zotero Plugin, and OpenOffice 4. Actually, this problem occurred before, but it seemed to have been solved. It returned lately without me doing anything else than keeping the software updated, and no change in hardware or whatever.
    Can anybody help?
  • edited June 6, 2014

    I got the same problem here. I can reproduce this bug. Bug ID is: 1462882074

    1) Run Firefox (my version: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0)

    2) Create a new LibreOffice document (my version:
    Build-ID: 420m0(Build:3)

    3) Insert a table (e.g. 2x2)

    4) Insert a citation in one cell

    5) Insert the same citation in another cell -> zotero shows progress bar which is moving... but it's moving all the time but nothing happens.

    I use the latest Firefox-Plugin.

  • I can replicate the issue in tables in LibreOffice under Ubuntu. IIRC, that used to be an issue but was resolved, no?
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