creating bilbiographies

I'm finishing my book, doing the end notes and the bibliography. Yesterday, this worked fine. Today, when I select the citations, click generate bibliography, choose bibliography, it still generates notes. ??? what am doing wrong?
  • And in the create bibliography dialog you have "bibliography" selected, not notes? Which style?
    How about if you try a different citation style like APA (this is for testing only).
  • Adam, thanks for responding so quickly. It's OK now. I had doublechecked multiple times to be sure I had the bibliography choice selected, had tried a different citation. None of it worked, so I wrote you. While waiting, I turned zotero off, turned it back on, did only the notes for an hour or so, then tried again for the bibliography, and it was working. Perhaps this was a temporary work stoppage to scare me with the publisher's deadlines looming. In any case, it resolved itself on its own. Again, many thanks. deborah
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