Migrating to Zotero with existing pdfs and bibtex keys

I apologize for the laziness behind this post as I realize there are numerous existing threads on the subject.

I have a library that exists in the form of a .bib, with my own bibtex keys, and my own copies of pdfs on my hard disk. I am not keen to rename my keys as they match the filenames of my pdfs.

I am looking for some advice on how I might work with Zotero but not abandon these elements of my current system.

with thanks.
  • edited October 21, 2008
    Would it be sufficient, if just the bibtex-key is imported as well?
    If yes, it would fit in http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/1033/retain-bibtex-key/ as well.

    Edit: Or even better http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/4331/bibtex-importexport-problems/ - the bibtex import/export in general.
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