Wikipedia's reference style

Hi, people, I love Zotero, it's a big time-saver for me, but I love Wikipedia's in-built reference style too, mostly because it's so exhaustive (it lists PMIDs, PMCs, DOIs, URLs, the whole nine-yards) and I'd love it if somebody could either write the CSL file for said style, for me, or show me how to do it in a way I could understand. See I'm totally incompetent when it comes to programming so you'll have to be very patient with me. If you want to see what I mean see this page
  • If you export items, Zotero has an option for the "Wikipedia citation template" which includes all of this information. It is my understanding that Wikipedia auto-generates citations from those templates. That has the big advantage that you'll get them properly hyperlinked, something CSL can't do anyway. Is that not the case?
  • It is true; but I would like Zotero to produce something copyable to clipboard that follows the Wikipedia style.
  • you can try playing with
    but walking you through creating a citation style step-by-step will take forever, sorry.
  • This actually worked pretty well for me; thanks. But there is one little thing I need ya help on; how do I add an "if" conditional? I only seem to be able to add "else-if" conditions when I click "+" in the left-hand top corner of the page.
  • edited May 13, 2014
    Oh and how do I get the style to include a space prior to the next author's surname? Atm it looks like this: Accadia, T;Acernese, F;Alshourbagy, M;Amico, P;Antonucci, F;Aoudia, S;… Astone, P. (2012). Virgo: a laser interferometer to detect gravitational waves. Journal of Instrumentation, 7(03), P03012–P03012. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/03/P03012 in the example.
  • the structure of if conditionals is always

    where the last two are optional. You can have multiple <else-if> but only one <if> and <else> for every <choose>

    My guess would be that you'll want to add a choose element and then add if as a subnode to that.

    The space after the semicolon is set in "delimiter" in the <name> node. It's like set to ";" now, change it to "; ".

    Also, note that the visual editor doesn't do PMCID and PMID. Zotero does pick those up from the Extra field, (check how they're imported from pubmed or pubmed central).
  • Whenever I add a conditional it doesn't give those other two options, just else-if and else; here's a screenshot.
  • the highlighted conditional already has an if condition.
  • what conditional? Else-if?
  • Check on the left. It says "Conditional" in a box. You need to add that before you can add an "if". In this case you have a conditional selected that already has an if (if variable="DOI" I believe), so you can't add another "if". Either use else-if or add a new conditional.
  • If this was facebook I'd like your comments as many times as I possibly could cause it just worked for me without a hitch! Thank you, so much!
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