Removed tags still show up as suggestions when adding new tags

I have noticed two issues with tags:

1.After cleaning up my tags list (essentially by deleting auto-added tags), I was hoping I would get a cleaner (shorter) list of suggestions when I add a tag to an item. Unfortunately, this is not the case, I still get suggestions for tags that were previously used, but have now been deleted.

Is it possible to refresh the 'pool of tags' where suggestions are taken from?

2. On the online library only there sees to be a bug:
I have merged some tags by renaming one of them to the other. This works fine in Firefox, but online the tag is displayed twice. Pressing either will show the same list and the twin tag disappears from the left-side-pane tag list.

Thanks for making an awesome tool :-)
  • Unfortunately, this is not the case, I still get suggestions for tags that were previously used, but have now been deleted.
    Sync, close and reopen the Zotero pane (Zotero for Firefox), or restart Standalone.
  • Also make sure you've emptied your trash, if you've deleted items.
  • I tried it and still get the same behavior. Maybe I was not clear enough when I described the problem - it is the list of suggestions you get in the right side pane when you want to add a tag - you press the 'Add' button and start typing, e.g. 'a', all tags starting with 'a' are then listed in a drop down. And this list contains tags that are no longer in my library.
  • edited April 19, 2013
    What did you try, exactly? To confirm, the tags don't show up in black in the tag selector when you have the library root or the trash selected? (If they're orphaned but not yet deleted, they'd show up in gray if "Display All Tags in This Library" was selected in the tag selector drop-down menu.)

    I believe tags currently auto-complete across libraries (which can probably be considered a bug), so the tags could also exist on items in other libraries you're in, including the trash.
  • (
    I believe tags currently auto-complete across libraries (which can probably be considered a bug),
    yeah, if that's the case, that's not good.)
  • Fixed for 4.0.6 for fields, creators, and tags. Can be tested now in the 4.0 Branch dev XPI.
  • I tried deleting a Group library (that was no longer in use) on

    -On my other PC everything is now fine after syncing: the group library is now gone and the list of tag suggestions is correct (contains only active tags). So, it seems the problme was indeed that I got a tag list that included tags from the group library when adding a tag in my personal library.

    -However, on my main PC, where I deleted the Group library, the deleted library still appears in Firefox Zotero and I get the 'old' list of tags. I have tried syncing and restarting, but the (supposedly) deleted group is still there.
  • I made the group deleted on also delete on my main PC by trying to add a new item to the deleted group. I was then promted that it was deleted and asked if I wanted to sync. By accepting the group was removed also from my Firefox client.

    It seemed to me that the deletion of the group in my Firefox client would not start by itself.
  • I have the same problem as pet1202; it's not a syncing issue. The tags have been successfully removed from the personal and group libraries, but they still show up as suggestions in the dropdown list. It's really annoying when you make a typo once and it shows up as a suggestion forever. Is there a fix for this yet? (No detriment to Zotero is intended here; it's a great program and it's been invaluable for our group research!)
  • try emptying your Zotero trash.
  • edited May 12, 2014
    Thank you for your input -- any and all suggestions are welcome! Unfortunately, though the trash is emptied regularly, tags that were typoed once like six months ago are still in the dropdown. Even after carefully-timed syncing to exorcise weird tags from our Group library (which itself works fine), these dropdown suggestions just won't die.
  • Can you give an example of such a tag? Since your library is synced, Dan could take a look at what's happening.
  • Same problem here. Tags are cleaned in Zotero Standalone, but not in the web presentation. Wich sucks because i'd like to share this to a larger public, while they can use my categorization to work their way in the data...
  • edited October 13, 2014
    If you delete the tags in Zotero using the tag selector and sync, they'll be removed from the web version, though you may need to restart your browser at the moment.
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