Pubmed Entry saved but not wanted
Lately (I don't think this happened in the distant past, ie, 6+months ago) when I save items to Zotero from online databases (Science, PNAS) the entry that is created includes a 'Pubmed entry' that I don't want and can't figure out how to stop Zotero creating. Have I missed something? I'm using Zotero standalone, but saving via the Zotero location bar icon in Firefox.
It happens with some journals (e.g., Science, Proc R Soc B) but not others (e.g., Oxford journals). I see that it's saving the PubMed entry right when I click the zotero save item icon in the location bar and the Zotero save pop-up shows up; the PubMed entry shows up whenever it is there to be saved and before the pdf is confirmed saved (or not). I also have Zotfile, Zutilo and Zotero Scholar Citations installed, but I can't see anything there to cause the issue.
@aurimas: I use Zutilo to send pdfs to my tablet for later reading and the PubMed entry always prompts a 'cannot save' or such error for the PubMed item. And I don't use PubMed or care a whit about it. And I'm sure there was a window of time where these pubmed entries did not appear so it seems to me that this was added in or is a bug, though I concede that I may have missed it somehow all along. And I'm a minimalist. I turned off 'automatically take snapshots' for example because I only want the pdfs (where I can) and the database item details. And Zotero allows reasonable control over such details, so I am hoping that I either somehow am missing the box to untick or, as already noted, it's a bug. It's also inconsistent (not all journals provide it).
Regarding inconsistencies, we're attaching the link wherever possible. Not all pages supply PubMed ID's, so it's not possible to attach these everywhere.
Edit: Ooops, meant ZotFile.
But I can't fathom why it would be foisted upon users, as opposed to optional? I guess the developers (not clear whether you are a fellow user or developer) thought it was costless as it doesn't count toward the space limit, but I don't see why I need it. As I said, I don't use PubMed, I don't even know why the PMID could be useful for me. I don't care that the PMID is stored in the set of info for a particular item, I can ignore it easily. If I have to live with the separate PubMed entry then I guess it's not a dealbreaker :) but I just find it's clutter, as well as right now giving me error messages in Zotfile (presumably that will get sorted in due course).
It's true that the attached link is a bit cluttering if you don't actually need it, but it's the only place to put these for now. In the future Zotero will likely gain extensible ID support, which will allow the PubMed ID to be placed in its own metadata field (which will function like URL and DOI, allowing you to click the label to get to the relevant site).
I look forward to it becoming like DOI/URL though.
(edit: as for "Note attached to an item" - you can turn on a "Note" column for the middle panel that shows whether and how many notes are attached).
If the PMID is not going away, is there a way to at least differentiate the attachment color? Right now there is a blue dot if there is anything (note, PMID, PDF). Since I'm mainly interested in the PDF attachments, it would be nice to be able to make that priority and if there is a PDF, for it to be a certain color.
As a workaround to deal with unwanted PubMed entry attachments, you could create a saved search with
Title --> is --> PubMed entry
and then just periodically go into the saved search and select all (ctrl+a) and then right-click --> move items to trash.
It already doesn't get triggered by notes.
I'm confused then @hhng is experiencing a bug of if there is another attachment for the item in question.
It's almost certainly triggering for you on a snapshot, not a linked URL. If you really think that's not the case, take a screenshot, upload it somewhere (Dropbox,, and provide a link.
And thanks Adam for the suggested search, I still want to get rid of Pubmed entries as I have no use for them and it is nice to declutter.
It's obviously possible (if probably a bit daunting for most users -- though it's not terribly hard to do) to custom-modify the translator in your Zotero data directory to not save the link.