Prox settings with Zotero standalone + Chrome
Dear All,
Every time I launch Zotero standalone, I get an invite to enter my credentials of my institution's proxy. Apparently I succeeded to save those once (as they automatically appear in the proxy login window), but those are outdated. I couldn't find the way to modify my proxy's credentials neither in Zotero stda.(as the proxy tab doesn't exist anymore), nor in Chrome.
Thank you for your suggestion. Regards,
Every time I launch Zotero standalone, I get an invite to enter my credentials of my institution's proxy. Apparently I succeeded to save those once (as they automatically appear in the proxy login window), but those are outdated. I couldn't find the way to modify my proxy's credentials neither in Zotero stda.(as the proxy tab doesn't exist anymore), nor in Chrome.
Thank you for your suggestion. Regards,
Thank you very much for your prompt answer. I checked for any stored password and cleaned them all. Nothing in there. The message I get relates to Mozilla: "moz-proxy://**** is requesting a username and password", but I don't have Firefox installed on my machine. Strange.
You should be able to clear your usernames/passwords by deleting a file in Zotero Standalone _profile_ directory. If you're using the default data directory, then you can get to the profile directory via Preferences -> Advanced -> Files and Folders ("Use profile directory" should be checked) -> Show Data directory, then go one directory _up_ and you will be in the profile directory. If you're not using the default directory, see for possible locations of your profile directory (remember, the _profile_ directory is one level up from the _data_ directory).
Once you're in the profile directory, close Zotero, and delete signons.sqlite file (make a backup first, just in case). Start Zotero again.
@ Dan: some people do prefer to lose a bit of time once rather than every day... that's the beauty of life ;)
Thanks a lot. Deleting the 'signons.sqlite' file solved the problem! After doing this operation, I had a blank credential window and no more pop-up credentials afterwards.
My 2 cents.
Was signons.sqlite recreated?