New style (french) : Revue archeologique du centre de la France

I have create a style for a French archeological paper, this one call the Revue archéologique du Centre de la France.
I don't have a SVN account. Did someone can put it on SVN, please?
I have post it on, here :
Thanks in advance.

P.S :
The style guide is here :
  • Hello, nobody post my style on so I try by myself but I don't have receive the mail of confirmation.
    Did somebody like adamsmith can help me to put my style into the CSL repository, please? Like in this post
    Thanks in advance.
  • edited January 4, 2011
    JE recopie ici un message de Claire Chomer posté sur un autre sujet
    Message original entre guillemets

    "Dans le texte
    - et dans le cas d'un renvoi bibliographique de plus de trois auteurs, il n'y a pas le "et al." (en italique) attendu"
    Le "et al." apparait dès 4 auteurs mais pas en italique.

    "Dans la bibliographie
    - la bibliographie n'est pas classée par ordre alphabétique mais par ordre d'apparition dans le texte"
    Réglé avec la nouvelle version.
    "- quand le nombre de pages n'est pas renseigné, la référence se termine non pas par un point mais par une virgule."
    Ceci est exact, le point est lié à la mention du nombre de page d'un livre.

    "- contrairement à votre exemple ci-dessus, le nom suivi de la date est en petites capitales et non en minuscules --> ce qui a l'air d'être préconisé dans les normes éditoriales de la RACF d'ailleurs"
    Oui, le style fait des petites majuscule mais le copier/coller de zotero vers le forum semble supprimer cette mise en forme.

    "- parfois la virgule entre deux auteurs n'existe pas et contrairement aux normes typographiques françaises, il y a une virgule devant l'esperluette"
    J'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a jamais de virgule quand il n'y a que deux auteurs mais qu'elles y sont quand il y en a plus... Je ne sais pas comment régler ce problème.
    Pour l'esperluette je l'ai remplacé par "et" et j'ai supprimé la virgule.

    "- et de manière inexpliqué il y a parfois dans la bibliographie, seulement le rappel de renvoi (nom + date) ou la référence sans ce rappel de renvoi : il faudrait que je regarde chaque cas pour essayer d'analyser pourquoi..."
    Je n'ai pas souvenir d'avoir rencontré ce problème, je suis curieux de mieux le connaître.

    "Sinon, je n'ai pas pu tester le cas où il y a plusieurs références d'un même auteur surtout avec la même date de publication (DESBAT 2005a, 2005b...)"
    Cela fonctionne seulement avec la nouvelle version (janvier).

    "et est on obligé d'avoir une ligne sautée entre chaque référence ? problème que je rencontre dans la plupart des styles proposés (à changer manuellement je suppose lors de la finalisation de la bibliographie)"
    Je ne sais pas comment le changer, avez vous un exemple d'un style zotero où on ne saute pas cette ligne? Que je puisse repérer le code.

    Merci pour vos commentaires, le style mis à jour est disponible là : (janvier 2010)
  • I've cleaned up the version so that it validates (please don't use the simple style generator! it creates messy styles that don't validate), but it still looks a bit messy and I'm not sure it's sufficiently high quality to upload it - so, has the racf style been tested? Does it work mostly correctly? Are there any major remaining problems? I'll read French if I have to, but if you keep things simple that'd be appreciated.
  • checking up on this - what's the standard of the racf style?
  • Hello, excuse me for the late answer. I had not seen your messages.
    The style had been tested and it work on zotero until the 2.0.9. But it no longer work with the newest version based on csl 1.0.
    The standard of the style is here :
    Thanks in advance
  • Hello,
    I work on this style.
    I follow step by step the standard (see link above)and the part for citation is quite finish (I will work on bibliography part after).

    I've got few problems to fix :
    - with several authors the "&" write in french "et" is in small caps like the name. I need it in normal font.
    - If two authors got the same name, I need to have the first letter of the given name. I try "disambiguate-add-givenname" but it fail...
    - If an author write two document the same years, I obtain disambiguate with a, b... Can I have a space between the date and the letter? Like this : toto 2002 a
    - If a document doesn't have author, editor... I have to use the first words of the title. Like this : (Naissance ... 1992 : 37). Is this possible?

    I've post my actual version of the cite here :

    Thanks in advance for your help!
  • First, find a slightly fixed (and validating) version of the style here:
    - with several authors the "&" write in french "et" is in small caps like the name. I need it in normal font.
    fixed in the style, check lines 33-34.
    - If two authors got the same name, I need to have the first letter of the given name. I try "disambiguate-add-givenname" but it fail...
    set givenname-disambiguation-rule to "primary-name" in cs:citation. See here:
    - If an author write two document the same years, I obtain disambiguate with a, b... Can I have a space between the date and the letter? Like this : toto 2002 a
    you can set <text variable="year-suffix" prefix=" "/> explicitly after the year. That should do it.
    If a document doesn't have author, editor... I have to use the first words of the title. Like this : (Naissance ... 1992 : 37). Is this possible?
    not exactly. but you can use title-short under cs:substitute. (right now there is no susbstitute - not even for an editor - for author-short. That's probably wrong.
  • Thanks for your version of the style.
    I fix it with the elements of your reply, the result is here :

    It work but I'll be a little more "exigency" ;)

    On my second question, can I have the initials of the given name after the name? Like this Toto J. 2014?

    Like it's possible to have the title of the book if there is no author or editor. Is this possible for an article-journal anonymous to have the name of the journal, the volume number...? Like this : (BSAT, XXXIX, 2, 1980 : 172-178)
    Thanks a lot

  • On my second question, can I have the initials of the given name after the name? Like this Toto J. 2014?
    sure, just add name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" " to the relevant line(s) (l. 32 in your case)
    this possible for an article-journal anonymous to have the name of the journal, the volume number.
    sure. The way to do that would be via a macro - in which you test for item type and then determine what to print - that you can then call from substitute.
  • Thanks a lot, its work fine!
    I've put the style here : and it done every thing is in the standard (see above for the URL).
    Do you think it can be upload in the Zotero Style Repository?
  • The style is now up. It will show up on the repository within 30mins. It may take up to 24hs for the preview to work.
    If you submit corrections or additions to the style in the future, please always work with the most recent copy from the style repository, as we frequently adjust the formatting of styles slightly.

    Thank you for contributing!
  • Hello, I've done a few corrections on that style but I can't validate it with And I don't understand the problem (it's line 47 : <name et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" delimiter=", " form="short"/> )
    Can you help me?
    It's here :
  • @FrancoisC, you nested a cs:name element within another cs:name element, which isn't valid CSL:

    <name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize-with=". " delimiter-precedes-last="never" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" ">↩
    <name et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" delimiter=", " form="short"/>↩
    <name-part name="family" font-variant="small-caps"/>↩
    <name-part name="given" font-variant="small-caps"/>↩

    You can just remove the nested cs:name element, and copy the et-al attributes to the remaining cs:name element.
  • edited July 28, 2014
    Hello, thanks Rintze for the answer!

    I have done some corrections and now it's validate by
    Can anybody upload the new version of style in the style repositery, please?
    It's here :
    Thanks a lot
  • edited August 6, 2014
    I have two problems :
    First : when I have a book with an editor (eg Ferdière), I need in bilbiography to have the name before the title, like this :
    Ferdière 1993
    Ferdière A. (dir.) - Monde des morts...

    here, I have that :
    Ferdière 1993
    - Monde des morts...
    What's wrong?

    Second, when I have a with no author for an article-journal. I have to put the name of journal, the n° of volume, the year... It's work in the citation. Bur in the bilbiography, I lost the name of journal, the n° of volume.
    I have to obtain that :
    BSAT, XXXIX, 2, 1980
    BSAT - La découverte de mobilier, XXXIX, 2 : 172‑178.

    and I have that :
    BSAT, XXXIX, 2, 1980
    - La découverte de mobilier, : 172‑178.

    The style is here :
    Thanks in advance for your help!
  • Hi,
    after some corrections due to users remarks.
    I'm proud to give to you the final version of this style validate by the secretariat editing of the RACF.
    Can you put it on the style repositery, please?

    <script src=""></script>

  • @FrancoisC, there are some small problems with your new version. E.g. "consulté le" got changed to "consulté le", and we also have " n° " in <text variable="collection-number" prefix=" n° " suffix=", "/>, which is probably incorrect. This probably indicates some encoding problem with the text editor you've been using.

    It's also much easier for us to accept these changes if you submit them as pull requests, which isn't too much work on your part. See
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