Vancouver Style


I am have set my document preferences to use Vancouver style, and this is working well, particularly the automatic abbreviation of journal titles. However, it is also automatically abbreviating book titles, which is not part of the Vancouver style. How can I change this? (Simple instructions would be great thanks!)
  • I'll take a look - can't be done easily from your side.
  • thanks! I actually discovered it's not when I use a simple book reference, but when I use a book section. The title of the book section (chapter) is not abbreviated, but the title of the book itself is.

    Here's the exact citation as it appears in Word. "Graham JW, Schafer JL. On the Performance of Multiple Imputation for Multivariate Data With Small Sample Size. In: Hoyle RH, editor. Stat Strateg Small Sample Res. SAGE; 1999."

    Stat Strateg etc is obviously the abbreivated part which I want to be the full title.

  • While continuing working I have also discovered it does the same for website titles (abbreviates them). Again, not something the Vancouver style asks for.

    Thanks for your help
  • yeah this will crop up for anything that's what we call a "container-title" - the fix is pretty easy, so shouldn't take long.
  • Hi, Just wondering if you were able to fix this issue?
    Thanks a lot
  • The styles are now fixed. The updated version will appear on the repository within 30mins (check the timestamp). Update your copy of the style by clicking "Update Now" in the General tab of the Zotero preferences.

    Styles also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+
    In an existing document, you may have to switch to a different style and back for the changes to take effect once the style is updated.
    Any further problems please let us know & thanks for reporting
  • That's great, thanks a lot
  • Hi again,

    Sorry but this issue still isn't resolved for website titles. It is fine for book titles.


  • so I see, sorry, I'll try to do it quickly.
  • Hi, I'm a new user and had the same problem with the SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) style. I was able to fix it by editing my local CSL file, using essentially the same change made for Vancouver, but I'd like to see the same fix incorporated into the source.
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