How to specify the page number of a book citation

Hi, I am a new user of Zotero, and like it very much.

Recently, I met a small problem:
How can I specify the page number of a book I cited ?

See the following as an example:
(1) Reichardt, C.; Welton, T. Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry; John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

I need to pointed out which pape I cited. Hope I explained my problem clearly.

Many thanks,

  • no, that's not possible for numeric styles like ACS. If you really need to, you can edit this in the bibliography when you're done.
  • Shouldn't your reference more correctly be to the book section (the paper you are actually citing), as opposed to the entire book?
  • (in some of the "hard" sciences and medicince, you occasionally see invididual pages of monographs in the bibliography. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but it's certainly done).
  • Thanks for everybody's kind reply and help~~

    I am writining a general review, so I need to set up some viewpoints which are supported by other famous researchers. So it is necessary to point out which page it is in a thick book :)
  • you can always note the page number after the citation in the text.
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