Making available a style in the Zotero Style Repository...


With a plenty of help of Zotero forum community (thanks everbody!), I am almost finishing an adaptation of the style "Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT)", which is currently available at Zotero Style Repository.

Once the ABNT provides the rules, but gives a couple of "choices" to the writer, the style I am adapting follows the "choices" from the University I am studying in (it seems to be the case of other style available at Zotero Repository "Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) - Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)").

Then, how could I make available the adapted style in Zotero Style Repository?

  • In I couldn't see how to upload a style variation.

    In this case, I don't want to upgrade an existing style, once it could be right. What I made with the style was to adapt to the "manual" of the university I study. So, I would like to add a branch of the style. I could see two ABNT styles that already exist in github:



    I would like to add a third one:


    Is it possible?
  • look at "Creating a Gist" on the submitting styles page.
  • There it was! Thanks.
  • Hi,
    I am just now trying to submit a style (ABNT variation) in:
    And I still couldn't find "Creating a Gist". Actually, I couldn't find even "submitting styles page" in github.
    May someone make available the direct link to "Creating a Gist"?
    Would it be necessary to make some user register before "Creating a Gist"?
  • edited June 13, 2012 and
    Would it be necessary to make some user register before "Creating a Gist"?
  • If you go to gracile's second link you can just paste the style into the window and click 'create public gist' at the bottom of the screen.
  • edited June 13, 2012
    Thanks. It worked!

    I just have posted two variations of ABNT style:

    ABNT FACE-UFMG [Autoria abreviada. Exemplo: MENDES, J.]

    ABNT FACE-UFMG [Autoria completa. Exemplo: MENDES, José]

    The difference between them is related to short/complete authorship when generating bibliography (initialize-with=". ").

    Besides, follows the most important changes (in relation to which was the based style):

    - Items=> Journal Article, Thesis, Conference Paper, Bill and Book Section were adjusted in some details (e.g. field order; missing fields were added; specifically to Journal Article and Bill, ABNT demands "place" identification, and the field "extra" was added to supply the Zotero lack in not make available "place" to these items).
    - Item=> Newspaper Article was customized (before it had same treatment as Journal Article).
    - Items=> Dictionary Entry + Encyclopedia Article were added.
    - Rules changed=>: et-al-use-first="1" / entry-spacing="1" / key macro="issued-year" / demote-non-dropping-particle="never"
    - Authorship (Ed.) was changed to (Org.) since it is most common in Brazil
    - Authorship Translator was added to reference items
    - URLs + Accessed (when used) appears in all items when bibliography is created
    - Highlighting in reference/bibliography items is "italic", instead of "bold"
    - Month abbreviation list was adjusted.
    - Possible other minor "bells and whistles"...

    Attached to style name ABNT there is the name FACE-UFMG that is related to a Brazilian University. ABNT rules are flexible in some ways. So, the style was shaped bearing in mind the choices made in "Guidelines for Standards of Academic Works from FACE/UFMG", a publication that is available to download at

    The download link and other important issues where added as comments into the style. Besides, in the own name of the file (which would be great to be maintained as the link name) there is an example in which is very clear to the user the difference between the variations of ABNT FACE-UFMG style=>
    [Autoria abreviada. Exemplo: MENDES, J.]
    [Autoria completa. Exemplo: MENDES, José]

    I hope the style be useful for ABNT users in general.

    And thanks for Zotero community for give support to a plenty of threads to the development of this style!
  • (note that Rintze made some changes to the id, title etc. - so if you're submitting revisions of this in the future, please base it on the style that's now in the repository).
  • Great and thanks! Actually, the changes in title make the style identification better yet!
    I have realized that UFMG-FACE and IPEAD ABNT styles aren't generating preview. Just UFPR is previewing style.
  • Previews can take a few hours to appear. Nothing to worry about.
  • edited November 22, 2012

    There is a simple issue to be updated in the two versions of the style ABNT-UFMG-FACE availabe at Zotero Style Repository. How should I proceed?

    Thank you,
  • Hi,

    I already updated the styles in github, being the links bellow. The update refers to a "dot" that was missing when references from journal articles are geanerated with URL.

    Please, let me know if this is the way to deal with styles updates.



    Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) - FACE [Autoria abreviada. Exemplo: MENDES, J.]

    Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) - FACE [Autoria completa. Exemplo: MENDES, José]
  • The style is up. It will show up on the repository within 30mins. It may take up to a day for the preview to work.
    If you want to update the style in the future, please always start with the version on the repository, since we usually touch up some formatting etc.

    Thanks for contributing!

    it's fine to post to old threads, we see these posts.
  • Prezado cadudesun
    Obrigado pela sua contribuição.

    Diego Ecker
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