Journal of Neurosurgery Citation Style problem

Journal articles names are supposed to be abbreviated for this Journal, for instance, Journal of Neurosurgery should read: J Neurosurg in the citation. The current CSL file tends to output the whole journal name which leads to manuscript rejection. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

  • The style is correct and should use abbreviations. How are you using this? With the Word plugin or differently?
  • I used the CSL style in papers3. It may be a problem with my application if the style is set up to abbreviate . . .
  • you need to talk to Papers support then (and please always mention that you're using something other than Zotero when posting here).
  • Thanks for your time. Initially I didn't realize exactly what this site was -- I appreciate your support.

  • Hi Neil, can you tell us how you found, and why you thought you had to be here for support with your CSL style? We try to make it as clear as possible where users should go for support, and maybe we can make some improvements.
  • No it is not the fault of your website. I just googled the problem I was having, and one of the search results took me straight to one of your message boards that contained a thread that was relevant to my problem. I did not browse to the zotero main page, and thought this forum was for maintenance of a csl style repository of some kind. So I posted my questions. Thanks for your time.
  • Okay, thanks for letting us know. I don't think we can do anything about that, then :).

    Just so you know, Zotero and the Citation Style Language are two separate open source projects, and Zotero was the first software product to adopt CSL, so there is a strong link between the two.
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