Not picking up authors

I'm finding that even with some major publications such as online magazines, zotero isn't picking up the authors. Things like Barrons, Smithsonian,, etc.

Is there a setting or something that would help with that? Or could it just be my system?

Here are some examples. Tell me if they work for you.

(this one doesn't even come up on zotero's radar)
  • If you hover over the address bar icon on any of those pages (except the Stanford one), you'll see that Zotero is using its Embedded Metadata translator. That's a generic translator that works on any site that provides embedded metadata, which is usually just generated by the site's content management software and usually provides pretty basic/bad data. It tends to be a slight step above simply saving the page as a webpage item (as you have to do on the Stanford page), but you shouldn't expect very high quality data.

    Embedded Metadata usually (always?) shows the webpage icon, so that's a quick clue that the results may not be great and you may need to add some info manually.
  • (For publications like Barrons there could be a Zotero translator — there just isn't currently. For most random, non-publication-affiliated webpages like the ones above, you're going to have to save it as webpage item, using Embedded Metadata or otherwise. For such sites you'll almost always have to fix up the data by hand if you want it to be citation quality.)
  • Embedded Metadata usually (always?) shows the webpage icon
    Not always. It depends on how good the embedded metadata is. Usually, if it is showing the webpage icon there was not much metadata embedded, so the import well be of poor quality (as you said above)
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