HathiTrust "Could not save item"

Hello everyone -

I have a hathitrust problem, though it might be unrelated or bigger than that -

Main issue:
“Could not save item. An error occurred while saving this item. Check known translator issues …”


Mac OS X Mavericks

Zotero version is MLZ downloaded yesterday

Firefox version is 24.0 (about says “updates available from …” and when I go to the cite it says ‘congrats you’re using the latest version” … can’t recall if that “available from” message is always there).

The 2013-12-30 translator report said no problems with Hathi Trust …

Secondary issues (related):

I had problems with trying to create a reference for this same item (Pop Culture) from Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/Poppu-Karucha-x304-Pop-Culture/dp/4620312851/ref=la_B001I7CQFQ_1_12?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1388443685&sr=1-12)

… as well as another work by the same author, also on Amazon.com - watch out for the provocative picture (http://www.amazon.com/Beast-System-Japanese-Miyadai-Shinji/dp/4022613580/ref=la_B001I7CQFQ_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1388443685&sr=1-7)

Maybe it's just him? No, apparently not:

… as well as another Amazon.com “hit” for a different author (http://www.amazon.com/Botchan-Penguin-Classics-Natsume-Soseki/dp/014139188X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1388452407&sr=1-1&keywords=botchan).

After experiencing the Amazon and Hathi problem, I went to the test page for MLZ (CiNii) and was able to successfully download a multi language citation. So, it isn’t that MLZ doesn’t work at all for me.

For what it's worth - I had just yesterday imported about 3500 cites from ProCite and have been tweaking them today. Brand new to Zotero and MLZ … hoping all will go relatively smoothly.

Thanks for any help and happy new year
  • edited December 30, 2013
    FWIW current Firefox version is 26.0 and all of the links you posted work with official Zotero (MLZ is a fork of Zotero maintained by Frank Bennett).

    Try updating your translators via Preferences -> General -> Update Now. If that doesn't work, provide a Report ID for the last Amazon link. http://www.zotero.org/support/reporting_bugs

    Also, go through the steps here: http://www.zotero.org/support/troubleshooting_translator_issues
  • Hi, aurimas,

    I just fresh installed 26.0 in case something got weird with Firefox, then checked the translators - click and now they say "up to date." I then went to the hathi trust and the amazon/botchan and still the "Could not save item".

    Thanks for the link about the report bugs; here is what I got:

    JavaScript Error: "No items returned from any translator"]

    [JavaScript Error: "ZU.xpath(...)[0] is undefined" {file: "/Users/Blaine1/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/1c446gf0.default/zotero/translators/Amazon.com.js" line: 155}]

    Hope that means something to you!


    Is this the process for batch converting old PDFs to entries:
    1. Drag to middle pane
    2. Ask Zotero to Index them
    3. Send in batches via right-click to retrieve info
    4. When GS tells you "quota reached try later" wait for another day


    If that's the case, my question is:

    After I've created a bibliographic record, I no longer think I need most of the pdfs "inside" my zotero library (neither "my library" nor in the zotero directory in those randomly named folders within storage).

    How can I delete the pdf from storage and delete the attachment from the library without deleting the bibliographic record created from it?

    I've looked in the forums and I see batch conversion is the hard part, once I'm all "in" with this old stuff then I promise I will diligently download records at the point of finding them! I just wanted to automate the record entry and change the "new" tags to "not yet read" (for most of them) and then get the pdfs out of my life - annotating pdfs is not a big deal for me, I like typing my own notes for now.)

    Thanks again for the help
  • [JavaScript Error: "ZU.xpath(...)[0] is undefined" {file: "/Users/Blaine1/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/1c446gf0.default/zotero/translators/Amazon.com.js" line: 155}]
    Frank will have to take a look at that. That error doesn't match up with the current Amazon translator, so I guess there's a special one for MLZ.
    Is this the process for batch converting old PDFs to entries:
    1. Drag to middle pane
    2. Ask Zotero to Index them
    3. Send in batches via right-click to retrieve info
    4. When GS tells you "quota reached try later" wait for another day
    Currently, yes, for the most part.

    (3) doesn't have to be done in batches... you can do all at the same time, but batches are ok too.

    (4) if you're using MLZ, which means you're also using Firefox, you can navigate to http://scholar.google.com and fill out the captcha that it will display. Once that is done, you should be able to retrieve more metadata. Then rinse and repeat.
    After I've created a bibliographic record, I no longer think I need most of the pdfs "inside" my zotero library (neither "my library" nor in the zotero directory in those randomly named folders within storage).
    Are you trying to say that you do not need the PDFs at all on your computer, or do you just want to keep them in the location that you had them originally in?
  • Hello again,

    Glad to hear about the captcha - the timing out was a drag. I'll wait for Frank on the other thing then.

    As for the other business - sorry for not being clear - I want to keep the PDFs in the location (on my computer) that I originally have them in, just disassociate them from Zotero entirely.

    (actually they ARE still where I had them; the issue is that now they are ALSO in the zotero/storage folder)

    My only purpose in dragging-dropping them into Zotero was so that Zotero could automate the bibliographic record-creation process.

    Once I have a record, I want to touch it up by viewing the PDF then get that PDF out of Zotero so that there's just the record remaining. I don't want to get into having them stored at Zotero's server.

    When I tried to delete just that "line" with the PDF in the record, the entire thing (i.e. the retrieved info which was above and to the left and so seemed to be a "parent") went to the trash.

    I figure I'm just missing something really basic about the process. I wondered if maybe I didn't have the "actual" PDFs there, just links, but when I looked in zotero/storage there they were, all those named folders with PDFs in them.
  • edited December 31, 2013
    Well, you should certainly be able to delete the PDFs without deleting the Zotero Item associated with them. If you select just the PDF and press delete or right-click and choose Move to Trash, does that not work?

    It just puzzles me why you would want to dissociate the PDFs, since Zotero makes is so convenient to find them. Depending on the PDF structure you are accustomed to (and want to keep), you may want to take a look at ZotFile, which allows you to automatically move PDFs to a folder hierarchy based on their metadata. This will also convert the PDFs in Zotero to file links.

    Even without converting the PDFs to links, you can disable file syncing (while maintaining metadata syncing) in Zotero Preferences.

    Glad to hear about the captcha - the timing out was a drag.
    There may be some considerable improvements coming for this feature in the near future. Might take a bit more time for it to reach MLZ though.
  • if you right click on an attachment and select "Move item to Trash" that really should only delete the attachment. IIRC, the trash will also _show_ its parent item (for context), but it will be greyed out in the trash and will still be present in your Zotero library.
  • Hi everyone,

    I hadn't realized there was a "grayed out" contextualization feature; I just tried it and that's of course what was happening. I see now that I never would have thought that context would be needed, because I have been practicing this disciplined PDF naming practice so (almost) all my files are in AUTHOR YEAR SHORT TITLE format. Of course that is the most convenient of all - but required that extra bit of effort that made it easy to fall behind, given my work habits!

    That's exactly why I had thought I should disassociate my files from Zotero - rather than "hide" my well-named files in randomly named folders, and be obliged to access them by calling up Zotero, I would have preferred to keep them where they are in one big directory that I can scroll through in Windows Explorer (or, these days, Finder). (Moreover, having "two" copies made me anxious about space; if I had to choose I was sure I wanted my old one, especially since I also erroneously thought that if I kept the PDFs in the Zotero folders they'd all be backed up on your server ... I found the option you mentioned and see how to prevent that, thanks.)

    So the recommendation to give Zotfile a look was on-target advice. I've installed it and did my first download, and it was very satisfying!

    With that power, I'm now happier to let Zotero do its work - and rather than just "look" in a big "drawer" of PDFs to find the actual PDF, I will use the search menu to find by file name if I ever should feel like not using Zotero.

    I somehow cannot get a "captcha" window to appear (does it come like a pop-up?), and logging in with my google account doesn't prevent google scholar from becoming irritated with me, so I am proceeding in batches through those files for now, while waiting for MLZ to get the improvements you're making to the "mother ship".

    In the meantime my next phase is scanning paper copies of book chapters and the like (stuff that I can't just go "re-get" from an academic db) and then associating them with my already existing bibliographic records.

    "Last but not least!" (for now) -- it seems that some (not all) of my ProCite records came in with this occasional error: the editor of the edited volume appears a co-author of a given chapter when that is not true. For now I don't mind just tidying them up on my own -- it's giving me the opportunity to find and address some other "sins" I made when I was first starting out -- but I thought I'd mention it in case anyone else importing from ProCite had a similar issue and you wanted some more test data.

    Sorry to have been such a pain, but as you've been showing me the ropes I am growing ever more pleased with your creation. All you need and nothing you don't.

    Best -
  • "Last but not least!" (for now) -- it seems that some (not all) of my ProCite records came in with this occasional error: the editor of the edited volume appears a co-author of a given chapter when that is not true. For now I don't mind just tidying them up on my own -- it's giving me the opportunity to find and address some other "sins" I made when I was first starting out -- but I thought I'd mention it in case anyone else importing from ProCite had a similar issue and you wanted some more test data.
    ProCite is a bit weird with how it exports authors (and other fields). There's a thread somewhere with a customized RIS translator that does a pretty good job at discriminating different contributor roles. Never found the time to merge it into the main RIS translator. I'll look for it in a bit.
  • Very thoughtful of you, but I can spare you the trouble if the one you are thinking of is the one for the woman in Pittsburgh with the big data set, I found that and imported it but then when I saw one in the MLZ that was RIS-ProCite I took a quick comparative look and aside from the memos the heart of the code (okay, the first page of it) was basically the same. "To the untrained eye ..." Ironically I am also in Pittsburgh ... had some of the cites she did ... very strange coincidence ...
  • I guess Frank has that one built into MLZ. We should probably do the same.
  • The one that was in my MLZ translators already is RIS-ProCite, whereas her procedure was to modify the RIS.js per one you had floating out there somewhere.

    Here's how the RIS-ProCite starts, for a flashback ...

    "translatorID": "298fd9e6-bd24-413e-8a47-991621ad5f76",
    "label": "RIS-ProCite",
    "creator": "Simon Kornblith and Aurimas Vinckevicius",
    "target": "ris",
    "minVersion": "2.1.3",
    "maxVersion": "",
    "priority": 90,
    "inRepository": true,
    "translatorType": 1,
    "browserSupport": "gcs",
    "lastUpdated": "2012-04-24 15:51:20"
  • Probably a good idea. It did a pretty nice job overall, so I figured the "editor of book appearing as co-author of chapter" was just me being sloppy when I entered 'em.
  • Oh. In that case, if something didn't import correctly, feel free to post the RIS entry so we can fix it (if possible).
  • I'd be happy to ... what's the "entry" that you need / how do I do that?
  • open the RIS file you exported from ProCite with a text editor (like notepad or text edit). Each entry goes from TY - to ER - Find one or two that didn't import correctly and copy and paste it here.
  • OK, here's one:

    TY - CHAP
    N1 - 60010
    A1 - Hunter, Albert
    T2 - The symbolic ecology of suburbia
    A2 - Altman, Irwin
    A2 - Wandersman, Abraham
    N1 - Author Role: editors
    T2 - ??? community
    CY - New York
    PB - Plenum Press
    PY - 1???
    SP - 191-221
    A3 - Altman, Irwin
    KW - Anthropology
    KW - Anthropology -- Cultural
    KW - Anthropology -- Social
    KW - Psychology
    KW - Psychology -- Social
    KW - Place
    KW - Space
    KW - Community
    KW - Residential Patterns
    KW - Geography
    KW - Demographics
    ER -

    A2 are editors of the book.
    A1 is the author of the chapter.
    A3 is the "series editor".
    Zotero brings in A2 as editors (correctly) and A1 as author (correctly) but A3 as chapter co-author.

    I'll post another momentarily.
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