Disambiguate by adding title
I'm trying to edit the "Society for Biblical Literature" style (based on chicago) for the rules that my theological college uses.
For citations after the first citation (which is a fullnote) subsequent citations are simply "author, page(s)" (without the quotes!), unless the author has multiple entries in the bibliography in which case it is "author, title, page(s)".
I've seen in the documentation entries like disambiguate-add-names, but I was wondering if there was a way to to disambiguate with the "title" in the <citation> part of the csl file.
I'm trying to edit the "Society for Biblical Literature" style (based on chicago) for the rules that my theological college uses.
For citations after the first citation (which is a fullnote) subsequent citations are simply "author, page(s)" (without the quotes!), unless the author has multiple entries in the bibliography in which case it is "author, title, page(s)".
I've seen in the documentation entries like disambiguate-add-names, but I was wondering if there was a way to to disambiguate with the "title" in the <citation> part of the csl file.
I'm sure that it'll be okay if I use the published SBL style, I was just hoping that this style of disambiguation was able to be specified.
Is there a way in the CSL specification to describe and implement this citation format?
To view existing CSL specifications you can download svn:
More at http://dev.zotero.org/creating_citation_styles
Anyway, I'll keep playing with this - it's great to having something that is so close to what I need.
Zotero usage is growing at my theological college and this is the one thing that doesn't work which normal undergraduate students need.
The bad news is that the disambiguate-add-title option was removed from the CSL schema earlier this year.
The good news is that it is now possible to test for a "disambiguate" value (i.e. "needs more disambiguation") that can be used to do the same thing, but with greater flexibility. So this use case can definitely be covered, it's just a matter of defining it in a CSL style file.
I'm not very experience with writing XML, do you know where I might see an example where someone has written this kind of thing? (I assume that this - http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/csl_syntax_summary#conditionals - is the documentation, but it's not detailed enough for my knowledge of XML.)
What the style for my college needs is (it's a note based style, based on the SBL style).
(1) First reference to a work is printed out in full.
(2) Subsequent references are referred to by Author (and page) UNLESS this is ambiguous, then you disambiguate by using short (or long) title.
If you make your own style based on another one, it's a good idea to give it a distinctive name, and to change the "id" string in the header (for the MLA style, it's "http://www.zotero.org/styles/mla"). That way it won't be overwritten when you update your Zotero styles.
I'm pretty sure that I'll still have questions (which I'll post here), but that should push me in the right direction.
I've just had a play, based on the MLA style, but I can't seem to get it to work.
I'm wondering if the problem is the same as this thread http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/5944/proper-use-of-disambiguate/.
My style also calls for a full bibliographic entry to be displayed the first time a work is referenced, and then for subsequent references the Author Name (+ Title if ambiguous) is necessary. If <if disambiguate="true"> is comparing the form of the first reference, then it will rarely find a 'true' case. However if it tested the subsequent form, it would work.
Just to clarify, the current code is something like:
if authors1==authors2 or year1==year2 then
If that's the case then it should work for me. However if the condition is an 'AND' rather than an 'OR' then for my requirements it won't work.
1. John Doe, My Anonymous Life (2000).
2. John Doe, Her Anonymous Life (2000).
3. John Doe, His Anonymous Life (2001).
From what you say above, this would be the correct form for an in-text citation of sources (1) and (3):
... Blah bitty blah (Doe, My Anonyous Life 2000; Doe, His Anonymous Life 2001).
But the following form for (1) and (3) would NOT be correct:
... Blah bitty blah blah (Doe, My Anonymous Life 2000; Doe 2001).
Is that a correct understanding of the style rule?
(The other difference, though I don't know how relevant it is for this discussion is that this is a note style, where the first in-text citation is a full bibliographic record, and any further citations are 'short' with just Author (+ Short-title if needed).)
This is going to require some change in the way CSL works. It's a design decision, I'll raise it in the forum that controls these things.
I might keep the code in my stylesheet and look forward to the time when the processor makes it work.
What I missed is that your subsequent-form citations (and those in the Bluebook style that I mentioned) do not include the date, so the citations themselves are ambiguous, if the subsequent form of the citation is used as the basis of comparison. That's what the new processor does, so it will just work in your case (and in mine).
Sorry for the back-and-forth over this.
If the processor should work (and by your description it should) then the problem must be in my stylesheet. Currently (with the newest beta of Zotero) when I put in references of two different books from the same author the first reference from each book is a full note reference (as expected) but subsequent references just display AuthorName.
This is the relevant part of the style sheet:
<option name="et-al-min" value="4"/>
<option name="et-al-use-first" value="1"/>
<option name="et-al-subsequent-min" value="4"/>
<option name="et-al-subsequent-use-first" value="1"/>
<layout prefix="" suffix="." delimiter="; ">
<if position="subsequent">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="contributors-short"/>
<if disambiguate="true">
<text macro="title-short"/>
<text macro="point-locators-subsequent"/>
(Sorry I don't know how to get indenting preserved on this forum.)
I've uploaded my current version of the full styleshee http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1477131/mtc v1.5.csl
Your help is greatly appreciated. My college (moore.edu.au) is considering whether or not to review its license for a competitors product at the end of the year and I'd love to be able to show them how well Zotero will work for their needs.
The test layout is a cluttered thing in computer code, but I think you can see what it's doing. Don't know whether it will be relevant to the decision made in your university, but we'll have hundreds of these fixtures before the job is done. Test submissions that highlight glitches or needed extensions are always welcome.
re the college. I don't think that this problem will be a deal breaker. The slight annoyance of needing to manually disambiguate is (in my opinion) well outweighed by the ease of use of Zotero (as well as its OSS ethic and corresponding purchase price).
I would prefer disambiguate="true" only when more than one works from the same author have been cited in the same footnote (Bluebook rule 4.2(b)).
ps. a side question: what's the preferred behavior here: resurrecting an old thread like this, or opening a new discussion?
For your case, it may be possible to use
and setting note-distance to 0 or 1, but I haven't tried this and if you need the near-note distances at a different value for something else
this won't work.
I guess testing the existence of "hereinafter" variable should work, as the bluebook (the same rule cited above, 4.2(b)) requires using hereinafter to set up a short title in such situations. But I can't seem to get hereinafter to work.