Change "Move item to trash" to "Delete item"

When I right-click an item to delete it, I always find I have to scan the list two or three times before hitting on "Move item to trash" - why not call this "delete item"? My brain is a saurian thing - it does not want to memorize the quirks and quibbles of each different application it moves through.
This change would speed up my Zotero-ing.

  • This was changed specifically to highlight to users that deleted items are in the Zotero Trash and that the Zotero Trash exists. I doubt it will be changed back. You can just use shift+delete to delete items, that way you'll never see the right-click context menu ;)
  • This is _exactly_ the reason I submitted the patch to add icons to context menu entries. Unfortunately, I think the icons will only appear in Windows and not Mac (I'm not sure about Linux) in order to stay consistent with Mac's overall look and feel.
  • And both OS X and Ubuntu call the same action Move to Trash.
  • Just to be clear, I think the phrasing for that action is exactly right. I just found it difficult to locate among all the other menu options. The menu icons really help though.
  • I know—that wasn't for you. Just expanding on a factor in the reasoning. (Of course, by that reasoning it should be "Delete" on Windows, but ultimately logic and cross-platform consistency win out.)
  • I sometimes need to look for 'move to trash' in the right-click menu. The command isn't always in the same place. I guess context matters.
  • OK, thanks. I will instruct my Saurian brain to shift+delete.
  • YMMV with icons -- at my level of vision and screen resolution, I have no idea what the icon for "Move Item to Trash..." is supposed to be. It looks like a clock in front of a lock to me.

    Implicitly teaching the existence of "Trash" is great. However, the underlying model of what's happening remains opaque, since the (large) difference between this and "Remove Item from Collection..." is not immediately obvious.

    Example: I (being a naive user) make a folder called "-- unfiled references" and there I store items I think I will use, but don't know where yet. I file item X there. Later, after studying X, I find several places I can use it, and I do so by dragging and dropping to the appropriate more detailed subcollections. I decide I've mined everything I'm going to get from X, and I don't want to see it in "-- unfiled references" any more, since that is functioning as a kind of work queue. Unsure of the differences in removal options, I move the item to Trash. It could be only much, much later that I am alarmed to find that X no longer exists in the multiple places I put it! If this realization occurs far enough after the move to Trash operation, it may simply seem to me that Zotero is "flaky" and randomly loses data.

    Since moving to Trash already insists on pausing with an are-you-sure dialog box, it might be better if that dialog box went ahead and pointed out how many places it will be removed from, if there are more than one. This would give the new user a fighting chance to realize what the operation actually does (and that it's more complex than one might expect) before executing it.
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