PDF Dowload from Zotero


I'm using Zotero for Firefox 23.0. However, I recently found that I cannot open the PDF attachment stored in the group of library of Zorero. Any help will be welcome
  • are you trying to open the PDF from the online version of the library or from your client? What happens when you try to open it?
  • I try both method, but the PDF do not download. The error was reported by the user of the library. The library is in use from 2010 and this do not happen previously.
    When we click on the pdf link e.g.
    a new web page is opened, but not the pdf

    Thanks in advances
  • I'm not sure if you're having the same problem, but I was unable to open .pdf attachments using Firefox 22.0 either. It works fine, however, if I right-click the pdf under the Zotero pane, and select "open in external viewer." Zotero seems to be downloading the .pdf automatically as my options indicate, so I believe I have some plug-in problem w/ Firefox 22.0.
  • Simon's link is for jd.brooks. I believe gregorcuba may be seeing this,
    though I'm not sure.
  • PDF attachments to Z. records do not seem to open in Firefox's own (fairly recent) PDF viewer. I just changed my settings so that Adobe Acrobat is the default viewer, and now I can open stored PDFs again.
  • See Simon's link above if you want to use Firefox's built-in viewer.
  • Thanks, adamsmith. I checked that out. But I think I'll wait for the stable version in ver. 24. Too risk averse.
  • rstowe you mean the settings of Firefox ? I still can not solve the problem even if I follow the Simon's link. The curiosity is that the same problem was refereed by different users of the data base
  • gregor - yeah, this was unlikely to help you, given what you describe. What happens when you try to open the PDF not from the web library, but from the client (i.e. Zotero Standalone, or the panel that open when you click on "Zotero" on the bottom right of Firefox).
  • When I try with with Zotero Standalone appear an small windows who said: "Can not find the attachment. It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero."
    But is not true, the file is already present in the PC
  • that's definitely not a PDF viewer issue then, so forget about that angle.
    How do you know the file is on the PC? You have been able to open it before? What you describe really sounds like unsynced files - that'd be exactly the behavior we'd expect for that.
  • Yes, the file are stored in the PC, if I try to opened without the link of zotero, I can open it normally. I also try removing the link from zotero and rebuild the link, but no way .... same behavior.
    However as far as I know, when I add a .pdf to the record the .pdf go to the server, and the the link will download the .pdf from the server not from my PC, right?
  • Something sounds off: Links to files don't actually sync for groups, so I'm not sure how you're finding the PDF when not using Zotero?

    I'm not quite sure what's going on given your description, could you step back and describe some more details about the set-up, where those files are stored etc.?
  • I have copy of the .pdf file in my PC, so I can opened normally (with Acrobat). To store the file I use the zotero function "attach stored copy to file...." ant the end of the working session or even from time to time I synchronized the data base. This functioning normally from the creation of the data base, now I can't see any .pdf file, not even those stored during the creation of the data base.
  • edited September 5, 2013
    The file on your PC, if you're referring to the one outside of the Zotero directory, is totally irrelevant once you've dragged it into Zotero (as a stored file, which is the only option currently for groups, where linked files aren't allowed). The question is whether there's a copy within the Zotero data directory where Zotero expects it. If you're on another computer from where you first added it and the file hasn't properly synced, you'd get that error.

    Can you provide a Debug ID for the attempt to open a PDF that fails?
  • edited September 5, 2013
    yeah, that really does sound like they're not syncing. Run through these steps:

    nevermind, follow what Dan says.
  • The Debug ID is D5002159.
  • edited September 5, 2013
    Actually I create the data base in 1 PC, that remain out of Internet connection for a long period. Then I began to up-date the data base from PC No. 2, one month ago I connect PC no.1 to Internet, and probably from that time the conflict began.
  • I don't see any attempt to open a file in there.
  • To be clear - you should attempt to open the file in Zotero locally. Not on the webpage (disregard the webpage for the time being).
  • If I login in the web, I can see (download) the .pfd files. If I enter not as administrator but as a normal user I can not open the .pdf files
  • as I said - disregard the web for the time being. We want to know what happens locally.
  • Locally the file can be opened but an error message appear:

    The source folder is invalid. Please change the source folder in Zotero Actions Settings Zotfile. You could Duty utilize a folder defined by the user
  • that's a Zotfile error message (that's probably not going to impact performance). If you want to get rid of it, set a source folder in the General tab of the Zotfile (not Zotero!) preferences.
  • Yes, I set the sotfile preferences and the error disappear. But the main problem still remain (.pdf attachment can not be opened from the web side).
  • could you clarify what you mean by "if I enter not as administrator but as a normal user"? Of a Zotero group? Of your computer?
  • In the library on line, if I "login" as administrator I can download the .pdf
    However, the library is open to the users (members or not of the group) If I enter as regular user (without login) The .pdf are not more visible.
  • that's by design. You can't share PDFs on a public library (else Zotero would get into all types of trouble for facilitating copyright violations).
  • I share only pfd free of copyright. Anyway, the member of the group can see the .pdf ones login in the group?
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