Zotero search URI (open zotero with search term)


is it possible to open Zotero with a certain search term using an application URI? Here is an example: In spotify, I can search for coldplay using 'spotify:search:coldplay'. Is something similar possible in Zotero?

I am asking because I would like to search Zotero from Alfred (mac launcher app) but the feature could be useful for other applications as well.

  • No, but an interested party can look at https://github.com/zotero/zotero/commit/61c36b052344c22ebc919e87af46440e395c4746 for an example of how this could be implemented.
  • edited March 14, 2013
    Actually, I'm not sure if that's helpful, since this would probably need to work even if Zotero was already open, and I'm not sure if the current command-line support handles that. (If not, this would probably need to be done via a zotero:// URI, if Alfred can be configured to open URIs with variables from commands.)
  • The user can add custom search to Alfred using "spotify:search:{query}". So zotero would have to support something like "zotero://search:SEARCHTERM".

    Here are two more example:
  • Vote of support for Greg's wish for support for something like "zotero://search:SEARCHTERM". This would allow building links in personal wikis and other documentation that automatically open up zotero research material for a set of search terms.
  • I would also appreciate this feature very much.
  • It would be nice for the support of URI search, any updates on this functionality?
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