Reports of notes with a particular tag?
I am trying to generate a report of all notes tagged with particular word. It seems to only include citations that were tagged. For example, if the whole book is tagged with "must cite" it appears in the report. Notes tagged "must cite" do not appear.
However, the notes with the "must cite" tag do appear in the middle window. When I manually select those notes and try to generate a report that way, it doesn't work.
For example, I selected some notes and tried to generate a report from the notes. The report appears empty even though I get a URL that looks like it would include multiple items (these seem to be the numbers referring to the notes that
I know y'all are working on expanded reporting options for the next release. I was wondering if there is a way to generate a report of notes with certain tags. Thanks!
I am trying to generate a report of all notes tagged with particular word. It seems to only include citations that were tagged. For example, if the whole book is tagged with "must cite" it appears in the report. Notes tagged "must cite" do not appear.
However, the notes with the "must cite" tag do appear in the middle window. When I manually select those notes and try to generate a report that way, it doesn't work.
For example, I selected some notes and tried to generate a report from the notes. The report appears empty even though I get a URL that looks like it would include multiple items (these seem to be the numbers referring to the notes that
I know y'all are working on expanded reporting options for the next release. I was wondering if there is a way to generate a report of notes with certain tags. Thanks!
Does this mean that the report generator does not see notes? Is there any workaround until the new release is out?
There are indeed ten numbers there. Ten selected notes, ten items; I'm guessing that's not a coincidence.
But my screen is blank. My report contains zip! So, somehow, my report generation is not working for notes.
Meanwhile, is there a workaround? I'm really excited about the ability to integrate notes, tags and citations (something Endnote can't do) but this kind of puts a damper on it.
I wanted to ask about the status of this issue. ... I understand the search is better now with regard to child items but I still can't generate a report from the search if the tagged items that are found only child, not parent, items. This is pretty crucial for note-taking since I now have no way to access all my notes with a particular tag that is spread across multiple sources.
For example, I want to find all my notes tagged "primary data." I can search for them and see them all, with the parent items and irrelevant notes gray and the ones with the tag as bold. Seems great, but I have no way of having a compiled list of these notes (except to go to each one by one...).
Being that the search has already selected the items we are looking for by producing them in bold, is it possible to enable Zotero to then highlight/select those items as a group, and only those items, for export?
If not, and if this major hangup for people interested in using Zotero for this type of note taking will remain a minor priority in the updates, is it possible to provide a comprehensive listing in the Support section with clear instructions as to the next best options?
Save a search on notes with a particular tag, then right-click on the saved search and select “Generate Report from Saved Search.” The report will only list found items (i.e. only notes in your case). You will have to set “” to false if you want to sort them by something other than source title. Then print or save as text. It's in the Documentation (just skip the parts about outlining):