Report ID: 1621570098

Error when first time sync attempt from a second zotero installation. First installation on Xubuntu synced to server OK then attempt sync from Win Vista based - both the installations were upgraded from Zotero 1.07 and had small number but different categories
  • Could you provide the last 15 or so lines of debug output before "Rolling back transaction" for the error?
  • Apologies for the delay - working between computers at work and home.

    The console window does not contain/show any output - I have tried this on both Vista and WinXP. Any ideas or other way to find the logs?

    Also tied the reverse with same results - cleared server data and then synced first WinXP followed by attempt from Xubuntu - tried the prodecure for linux logs but output mentioned zotero but did not seem relevant - I'll take a look at example output on this forum :)
  • The console window does not contain/show any output - I have tried this on both Vista and WinXP. Any ideas or other way to find the logs?
    I don't have access to a Vista machine to test, but the process we outline on the debug output page should definitely produce debug output on XP. But the debug console is painful to use on Windows anyway, so if you get the same error on Xubuntu going the reverse way, you might as well use that.

    Post the lines before "Rolling back transaction" and we'll take a look.
  • edited August 12, 2008
    Laurief - Output from terminal on xubuntu when starting firefox 3.0 - zotero trunk 3184 synced from WinXP then try sync from Xubuntu

    zotero(3): Opening database 'zotero'

    [additional startup output removed]
  • miyet: Thanks, but this likely doesn't have anything to do with Windows XP and Xubuntu specifically, and comparing output of two different databases likely won't be particularly enlightening. Also, this is a sync issue, so the opening debug output certainly wouldn't be helpful.

    We'll need the last 15 lines before "Rolling back transaction" from laurief before we're able to debug this any further.
  • Interestingly I logged on yesterday as laurief but it showed up as miyet which I use for the sync server login ! - nothing in that i hope?

    The output I added was the full output - Just to check the procedure, i followed the steps indicated in the "debug output" link then closed firefox and started from the terminal "/usr/bin/firefox-3.0" - the output posted was all that was available?

  • The output you posted was just the startup output, which isn't relevant to syncing. When you attempt a sync, it should generate quite a lot more output, and it's the end of that that we need.
  • Thanks for your patience Dan.

    There must be an incorrect setting in my config? Its just not generating the output !!

    I have just checked the zotero.debug.log on the Vista setup and changed it from default false to true - this now gives the same type of startup logs as the Xubuntu.

    Would the log level setting be important - default is 5
  • Is it possible you're just not scrolling down? The output you posted is valid debug output, but it should continue as you perform other operations in Zotero.
  • Well, that was a marathon....and I dare not admit the problem ;)

    zotero(3): Notifier.trigger('add', 'item', [15796]) queued
    zotero(5): Transaction in progress -- increasing level to 2
    zotero(5): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE itemID=?
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 16044
    zotero(3): Saving data for new item to database
    zotero(5): INSERT INTO items (itemID, itemTypeID, key, dateAdded, dateModified)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 16044
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 2 of type int: 14
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 3 of type string: "BRFWNJ56"
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 4 of type string: "2008-05-09 07:38:41"
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 5 of type string: "2008-05-09 07:38:41"
    zotero(5): SELECT valueID FROM itemDataValues WHERE value=?
    zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemDataValues VALUES (?,?)
    zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemData VALUES (?,?,?)
    zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemNotes (itemID, sourceItemID, note, title) VALUES (?,?
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 16044
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 2 of type NULL
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 3 of type string: ""
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 4 of type string: ""
    zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemAttachments (itemID, sourceItemID, linkMode, mimeType
    , charsetID, path) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 16044
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 2 of type NULL
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 3 of type int: 1
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 4 of type string: "text/html"
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 5 of type NULL
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 6 of type string: "storage:user.html"
    zotero(5): Decreasing transaction level to 1
    zotero(3): Reloading 16044
    zotero(5): SELECT I.*, COALESCE(CASE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators IC LEFT
    JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.
    itemTypeID=I.itemTypeID) WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND primaryField=1) WHEN 0 THEN N
    ULL WHEN 1 THEN (SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators NATU
    RAL JOIN creatorData LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT ON (IC.creatorTypeID=IT
    CT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=I.itemTypeID) WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND pri
    maryField=1) WHEN 2 THEN (SELECT (SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL J
    OIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT ON (IC
    .creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=I.itemTypeID) WHERE itemID
    =I.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1) || ' and ' || (SELECT
    lastName FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData LEF
    T JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT ON (IC.creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITC
    T.itemTypeID=I.itemTypeID) WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY ord
    erIndex LIMIT 1,1)) ELSE (SELECT (SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators IC NATURAL J
    OIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData LEFT JOIN itemTypeCreatorTypes ITCT ON (IC
    .creatorTypeID=ITCT.creatorTypeID AND ITCT.itemTypeID=I.itemTypeID) WHERE itemID
    =I.itemID AND primaryField=1 ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1) || ' et al.' ) END, CA
    SE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creatorTypes WHERE itemID=I.i
    temID AND creatorTypeID IN (3)) WHEN 0 THEN NULL WHEN 1 THEN (SELECT lastName FR
    OM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData WHERE
    emID AND creatorTypeID IN (3)) WHEN 2 THEN (SELECT (SELECT lastName FROM itemCre
    ators NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND c
    reatorTypeID IN (3) ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1) || ' and ' || (SELECT lastName
    FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData WHERE itemID=I.
    itemID AND creatorTypeID IN (3) ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1) ) ELSE (SELECT (S
    ELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData
    WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND creatorTypeID IN (3) ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1) || '
    et al.' ) END, CASE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creatorType
    s WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND creatorTypeID IN (2)) WHEN 0 THEN NULL WHEN 1 THEN (
    SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData
    WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND creatorTypeID IN (2)) WHEN 2 THEN (SELECT (SELECT las
    tName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorData WHERE ite
    mID=I.itemID AND creatorTypeID IN (2) ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1) || ' and ' ||
    (SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL JOIN creatorDa
    ta WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND creatorTypeID IN (2) ORDER BY orderIndex LIMIT 1,1)
    ) ELSE (SELECT (SELECT lastName FROM itemCreators NATURAL JOIN creators NATURAL
    JOIN creatorData WHERE itemID=I.itemID AND creatorTypeID IN (2) ORDER BY orderI
    ndex LIMIT 1) || ' et al.' ) END) AS firstCreator, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemNot
    es WHERE sourceItemID=I.itemID) AS numNotes, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemAttachmen
    ts WHERE sourceItemID=I.itemID) AS numAttachments FROM items I WHERE 1 AND I.ite
    mID IN (16044)
    zotero(3): Notifier.trigger('add', 'item', [16044]) queued
    zotero(5): Transaction in progress -- increasing level to 2
    zotero(5): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE itemID=?
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 16338
    zotero(3): Saving data for new item to database
    zotero(5): INSERT INTO items (itemID, itemTypeID, key, dateAdded, dateModified)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 16338
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 2 of type int: 14
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 3 of type string: "AJ4PT6IT"
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 4 of type string: "2006-10-05 14:00:00"
    zotero(5): Binding parameter 5 of type string: "2006-10-05 14:00:00"
    zotero(5): Flagging nested transaction for rollback
    zotero(5): Rolling back transaction
  • Fixed on the trunk. A workaround should be to delete the Zotero Quick Start Guide on one side.

    Thanks for your help.
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