Font size of footnote number

The font of the footnote numbers in my documents has changed to a tiny size making it hard to read. Would you be able to advise on how to switch this back, as it had been fine up to now and I'm not sure which wrong button I've pressed. Many thanks.
  • The format of the footnote number is set by your word processor, not by Zotero. If you say which one you're using, someone here may be able to point you in the right direction, but generally you want to look at the Word or LibreOffice style for Footnote symbol and/or footnote anchor.
  • Ah, okay. I'm using Word for Mac on a MacBook Pro. I'll try to follow up what you say but yes, if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. Thanks for this, much appreciated.
  • If I understand correctly you are asking about the in-line text number or character for the reference or note and are not asking about the character that appears before each footnote or bibliography listing.

    Select one of the footnote symbols (take care to select only the symbol) and find the name of the style for that character. If it "normal", I don't have much advice for you. Click on the Styles drop-down, select "more" , find the style name that is associated with the footnote symbol, and edit the font format.

    Be sure to save your document before doing any of this and do the manipulations on a copy of your working document.
  • Many thanks DWL, you have pinpointed the problem. I can see now it is about the settings in the Word doc. Something weird has happened, probably because I'm working on the doc using two versions of Word on different machines and emailing things to myself. It is not fixed yet, still i have this tiny symbol for some footnotes and can't change it globally. But I'll follow your directions further and I'm sure I'll get there. Thanks again.
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