How to get MLZ Chicago Full Note to use Journal Abbreviations?
Dear Frank and everyone willing to help,
how could I change the MLZ Chicago Full Note Style for Zotero MLZ to get is to use the journal abbreviation field when citing an article as footnote via Word Plug-in? Or - if this would be easier - abbreviate the journal name via the abbreviation filter?
Currently, all article citations contain the full journal name. I guess this is demanded by the Chicago style, but I would like to change it anyway. Neither entering the abbreviation in the "Journal Abbreviation" field nor in the abbreviation filter generates a citation with the abbreviated journal name.
I would like footnotes to cite the abbreviation only and the biography to cite the full name (with the abbreviation in brackets behind if possible).
Thank you for your help!
Thank you
how could I change the MLZ Chicago Full Note Style for Zotero MLZ to get is to use the journal abbreviation field when citing an article as footnote via Word Plug-in? Or - if this would be easier - abbreviate the journal name via the abbreviation filter?
Currently, all article citations contain the full journal name. I guess this is demanded by the Chicago style, but I would like to change it anyway. Neither entering the abbreviation in the "Journal Abbreviation" field nor in the abbreviation filter generates a citation with the abbreviated journal name.
I would like footnotes to cite the abbreviation only and the biography to cite the full name (with the abbreviation in brackets behind if possible).
Thank you for your help!
Thank you
Jack Coe, “From Anecdote to Data: Reflections on the Global Center’s Barcelona Meeting,” J. Int'l Arb. 20, no. 1 [2003]: 11.
The biography corresponding to this should read something like
Jack J. Coe, “From Anecdote to Data: Reflections on the Global Center’s Barcelona Meeting,” Journal of International Arbitration [J. Int'l Arb.] 20, no. 1 [2003], pp. 11-20
So that you know from the biogrpahy which abbreviation corresponds to which full title of a journal.
Sorry for expressing myself incorrectly and thank you for helping me.
I'm less sure about adding bracketed abbreviations to the bibliography. Wouldn't the conventional way to handle that (if anything) be to provide a separate list of journal abbreviations?
It's late here, I'll have to think through how to manage variants of the style.
One way to handle this would be to leave the change that I just pushed in place (i.e. to recognize and apply short-form journal title abbreviations), but to recommend that the Abbreviation Filter, rather than the Journal Abbrev field, be used to set the abbreviations. In your work, you could then apply abbreviations consistently to law-related journal titles (and not others). Others with whom you might share your database items would then be able to adjust the behaviour through their own local abbreviation lists.
I'll leave this open to discussion for a few days. When we arrive at a position, I can add a note to the Errata page on
<text variable="container-title" form="short"/>
Guidance on editing styles is here:
(Edit: if you are relying on the built-in Zotero abbreviation lists for the abbreviated titles, I'm not sure which styles pick them up. If you don't have any joy with a particular style, you can turn that off and use the Abbreviation Filter plugin instead, as an alternative.)