search speed

Is this normal? Searching for a title in my database takes 5 - 7 seconds to find the entry.

The Debug ID is D1440382278.

I have syncing turned off. Also indexing is turned off.
Database is ~12.000 items, zotero.sqlite is about 60MB.

Maybe due to the turned off indexing? How can I improve the speed? Any suggestions?

  • If you are searching for a title, you don't need to use the search box (if that is what you are doing).

    Sort your items by title, make sure the focus is in the center pane, then start typing. The list is sorted [nearly] instantaneously.

    Or is that what you are already doing, and it is still very slow?
  • Thanks for this tip, I am using the search box. This isn't very slow, however sorting costs some time (when you wnat to search for Author and afterwards for title).
  • The search box has different setting - it can search by "Creator Title Year", "All fields and tags", and "Everything". Click on the little triangle to select which one you're using - Creator Title Year should be almost instantaneous even with a large library.
  • Thanks adam.

    I am searching with "Creator Title Year". Still not instantaneously...

    When searching for example for 'Uptake' it stops after the 'U' or 'Up' and then continues with the whole word.

    This can be seen also in the debug-log:
    The Debug ID is D1807156618.

    Also when searching for a author: 'kefford'
    The Debug ID is D1630103544.
  • edited June 21, 2013
    That does look a bit slow—almost a second for a search title/creator/year search—but that may just be due to the particulars of your library and computer. (What kind of computer is this?)

    You can also try closing the tag selector in the bottom left while searching. [Edit: Actually, it looks like maybe it's already closed?]
  • @Dan: Yes, tag selector is already closed.

    My system:
    * CPU Intel® Core™ i5 CPU M 430 @ 2.27GHz × 4
    * 4GB Memory
    * Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 64bit
  • It seems like it performs several searches when typing. Eg searching for the author 'Szöcs' first stops after the 'S' and then finishes with the rest.

    This can be also seen in the debug output, if I'm reading it correctly.

    Debug ID: D513607400
  • it is intended as a real time "search as you write" yes.
    You can put a quotation mark before the search term to disable real time search - in that case search only starts once confirmed with enter
    (i.e. type "Szöcs and hit enter to search for Szöcs)
  • @adam Ah, I see... thanks.
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