Pdf search results in Standalone for mac

Hallo, I indexed my pdfs and now the "search everything" correctly finds text in the pdfs.
However, the search results appear only in form of the title of the pdf.
Is it possible to visualize the text with the highlighted search result along the pdf?
Connected question: on Standalone for macosx, I can only open the pdf externally (with the preview program). Is it it normal? The "view pdf" option with the right mousetaste menu, leads me to the same result as "open externally".

Thank you in advance.
  • 1. not currently no
    2. yes, Zotero doesn't have a built in pdf viewer. I think it might be possible to define different behaviors for view pdf and open externally, but you can't open a pdf in Zotero.
  • edited May 17, 2013
    Mendeley can... Zotero has such a better automatic pdf feeding from the web, that I am about to migrate, but this lack about search result is not ideal... although not SOOOO important.
  • there's a very old ticket for this I believe, it's certainly something devs are interested in. IIRC it's partly a UI problem - i.e. we don't have a good place where/how to display that.
  • This does not address your problem directly, but ZoteroQuickLook is a half-way solution between built-in PDF viewer and Preview.

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