Citation Style request - Biotechnology Advances
Please provide a citation style for Biotechnology Advances.
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In-text citation
(Drews and Golecki, 1995)
Book chapter
Drews G, Golecki JR. Structure, molecular organization, and biosynthesis of membranes
of purple bacteria. In: Blankenship RE, Madigan MT, Bauer CE, editors. Anoxygenic
photosynthetic bacteria. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers;
1995. p. 231–57.
In-text citation
(Csotonyi et al., 2006)
Journal article
Csotonyi JT, Stackebrandt E, Yurkov V. Anaerobic respiration on tellurate and other
metalloids in bacteria from hydrothermal ventfields in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Appl Environ Microbiol 2006;72:4950–6
Authors instruction is available at
In-text citation
(Drews and Golecki, 1995)
Book chapter
Drews G, Golecki JR. Structure, molecular organization, and biosynthesis of membranes
of purple bacteria. In: Blankenship RE, Madigan MT, Bauer CE, editors. Anoxygenic
photosynthetic bacteria. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers;
1995. p. 231–57.
In-text citation
(Csotonyi et al., 2006)
Journal article
Csotonyi JT, Stackebrandt E, Yurkov V. Anaerobic respiration on tellurate and other
metalloids in bacteria from hydrothermal ventfields in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Appl Environ Microbiol 2006;72:4950–6
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Inline Citation
(Boyle & Harman 1999)
Boyle, A. & M. Harman, 1999. Human remains, in Excavatations at Barrow Hills, Radley, eds. A Barclay & C. Halpin. Oxford: Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, 59.
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