Zotero 4.0.8 cannot automatically save pdfs from IEEEXplore in FireFox 20.0.1


I just downloaded Zotero 4.0.8 for FireFox (not the standalone version) today and I really liked how it could automatically locate and download PDF files associated with a certain page in an online database. For example, when I visited the following page in ScienceDirect,


I could just click the small 'article' icon on the address bar and the PDF file is automatically saved. Everything is perfect.

However, when I tried the same thing with IEEExplore, I found that I cannot save the PDF file for ANY article on that site. For instance, it fails on this one:


I checked the following:
1. When I hover the mouse on the small 'article' or 'book' icon, a small window pops up and says "Save to Zotero(IEEE Xplore)".
2. "Automatically attach associated PDF ... " in Preference -> General is checked.
3. I manually clicked 'Update Now' in Preference -> General to make sure the translators are up-to-date.
4. the Firefox version is 20.0.1(up-to-date)
5. OS is Win 7 x86 Ultimate SP1
6. I could access the PDF by clicking the "full-text as PDF" on the page above (through an on-campus license).

Can anyone please tell me what is going on here? I'm completely new to Zotero so maybe I misunderstood something altogether.

Thanks in advance.
  • edited May 11, 2013
    these are the URLs as you see them? There is no university proxy/campus portal that you've removed?
    This should definitely work, though it's certainly possible that PDF download fails on some sites, I'll take a look.
    edit: yes, this looks like it's broken (since yesterday or so) I'll take a look asap.
  • Hi adamsmith,

    Thank you for your attention and help. Yes, those are the URLs as I saw them. When I open the IEEEXplore link:


    on campus, the sign on top of the page

    For Institutional Users:

    Institutional Sign In

    would be replaced by something like:

    XXXX University User

    And I could directly access the PDF by clicking the "Full Text" button.

    All settings of Firefox and Zotero are set to default. (Enable proxy redirection - checked; Automatically recognize proxied res - checked; Disable proxy redirection ... - unchecked).

    Thank you very much!
  • A translator fix is now up. Your version of Zotero will automatically update within 24hs, or you can update manually using the "Update Now" button in the "General" tab of the Zotero preferences.

    Any further problems let us know & thanks for reporting
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