Society of Biblical Literature title capitalization
SBL style calls for "Title casing" of titles of English-language works in notes as well as bibliographies. The current SBL style on the repository seems to do sentence case, which would be in error. Below is the relevant section from the SBL handbook: Capitalization of Titles in English
In titles in English, all words should be capitalized except articles, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions, except when they are the first or last word in the title or subtitle. In hyphenated words, both words should be capitalized unless they are articles, coordinating conjunctions, or prepositions (unless used adverbially), or if the word is a prefixattached to anything other than a proper noun or proper adjective. In these cases the word
should be lowercase. Cf. CMS 7.127–28. Capitalization of Titles Not in English
For titles in languages other than English, the general rule is to capitalize only the first word of the title or subtitle and any words that would be capitalized in a normal sentence. [etc.]
Thanks! Capitalization of Titles in English
In titles in English, all words should be capitalized except articles, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions, except when they are the first or last word in the title or subtitle. In hyphenated words, both words should be capitalized unless they are articles, coordinating conjunctions, or prepositions (unless used adverbially), or if the word is a prefixattached to anything other than a proper noun or proper adjective. In these cases the word
should be lowercase. Cf. CMS 7.127–28. Capitalization of Titles Not in English
For titles in languages other than English, the general rule is to capitalize only the first word of the title or subtitle and any words that would be capitalized in a normal sentence. [etc.]
(For, i.e. foreign language titles, you'll have to have something in the "language" field. We recommend ISO two letter codes such as fr for French, de for German etc., but anything that doesn't start with En will do.
Incidentally, that "Date" field for journal articles should only show the year of publication, not month and day.
I've made a version that will work for me in the meantime. Thanks again.
Styles should also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+
Any further problems please let us know.
Much appreciated.