zotero 3.0.14 firefox 19.0 google scholar
I recently upgraded to firefox 19 and now I can't add citations to my library. The icon in the url window is there and it brings up the list of papers, but when I click on one and click ok button, the little window in the library pane stays blank and nothing is added.
I'm on a retina mbp w/ osx 10.8.2
any help would be appreciated as i'm in proposal crunch mode...
I'm on a retina mbp w/ osx 10.8.2
any help would be appreciated as i'm in proposal crunch mode...
If it _does_ work on that site, please provide a sample URL for a google scholar search you're using as well as a debug ID for a failed import attempt:
If it doesn't work, just the debug output for the amazon.com or the google scholar page will do.
debug ID is D350779519
scholar url is:
cdseas - make sure those items aren't actually added, but just not in the collection you have selected. i.e. sort your entire library by data added and see if they aren't there after all.
Interestingly if I dont use the zotero icon in the url, but instead click on the "cite" link below the paper I want in the google scholar results main window and select a format in the popup window and click on import to endnote, it puts it into my zotero library fine, including showing up in the little zotero window in the library pane.
so I'm doing it that way until you guys can figure out what's going on...
I have all cookies disabled, as I always have in the past.
the log says if wrote cookies...where are they located and how do I delete them, as per your above link item 9
Then I can just click on the "Import into EndNote" link below the paper I want in the results window of GS and it puts it into zotero library no problem. It seems to be just the little zotero icon and zotero popup selection that's not working for me.
Thanks for your help.
I recall having a problem similar to this once before and you said at the time that zotero was not yet working with that then latest verion of firefox.
I get a message saying
Opening scholar.enw.
You have chosen to open scholar.enw. which is a enw File (201 bytes) from http://scholar.google.com
What shold Firefox do with this?
I have reset my settings, cleared my cookies, and grumbled a lot.
Thanks a lot.
Any ideas?
It's also not there on Amazon.
Start here: