Library Catalog InnoPAC

Cannot save item via*est/X?SEARCH=memes+of+translation&searchscope=1&SUBMIT=OTSI

Zotero icon is visible but there is translation issues so I cannot save the wished item.

Troubleshoot id: 1386778247
  • note that this is only broken for search results with a single result.
    Search results with multiple results:*est/X?SEARCH=borges&searchscope=1&SUBMIT=OTSI
    and individual items accessed from search results:*est?/Xborges&searchscope=1&SORT=D/Xborges&searchscope=1&SORT=D&SUBKEY=borges/1%2C71%2C71%2CB/frameset&FF=Xborges&searchscope=1&SORT=D&1%2C1%2C

    work. You can e.g. import memes of translation from here:*est?/aChesterman%2C+Andrew%2C+1946-/achesterman+andrew+1946/-3%2C-1%2C0%2CB/exact&FF=achesterman+andrew+1946&1%2C3%2C

    we'll still see if this can be fixed, but this should be doable as a workaround.
  • I am still unable to save individual items accessed in any way from my library, and when I try to select from a group on a search page, it does not actually import the item...
  • that's different - I don't see any way to get to the MARC display for that catalog.
    If you can't find out from a librarian how to get to a MARC display from an individual item entry we'll likely be able to fix this, but other wise there isn't much we can do.
  • I think I can do that, thanks Adam!
  • Or maybe not, perhaps I am just a poor go-between. Here is the chat transcript if that helps, I gave my librarian a link to this thread and...

    Christopher Erb:
    No worries

    Reference Staff Dunbar:
    Thanks for the thread. Unfortunately, we don't have any way to view the MARC records from the web-based catalog.

    Christopher Erb:
    This is very strange, because just last semester Zotero was able to pull the MARC data and create bibliographic references from single item pages. Have we changed the way we handle the MARC data recently?

    Reference Staff Dunbar:
    Not that I know of. The only way I know to get the MARC data from the web-based catalog is to save the record and send it to yourself. When you do that, you do have the option to send it in MARC format.

    Christopher Erb:
    Hmmm, I wonder how it worked previously.
  • I wonder if they're just not aware of this - we get to MARC by replacing "frameset" in the url by "marc" - that works on almost all InnoPAC installations.

    But I notice that when I try what your librarian suggest (save record --> view record --> export ---> MARC), but instead of sending it by e-mail try to download it ("Local Disk") or display MARC on the screen ("Screen") that doesn't work. It does on other InnoPAC installations e.g.
    my suspicion would be that the two issues are connected and this seems like it's broken on your end.
  • As in my Zotero, or as in the library end? Should I try a reinstall?
  • edited March 12, 2013
    Also, I was able to save a reference to the above item from Ester that you posted in response to msuvi, so yes, innoPAC does work for me elsewhere. That was what spurred me to post here actually. ;)
  • broken at your library's end, sorry that wasn't clear.
    All I can tell your Zotero seems like it's in good health.
  • edited March 12, 2013
    So, it seems that they had to remove all of the MARC records from their catalog because of them being illegally downloaded. I don't quite understand how that's possible, but I am likely to find out at the end of this semester when I upload the archival collection I am working on. Our systems librarian has been appraised of my concerns and also has a link to this thread. Perhaps we are on the road to recovery, at least I hope so.

    Thanks so much for your help Adam!
  • I suspect it could have something to do with the PDFs embedded in the data!?! Maybe it is a backdoor way to get the articles without access to EBSCO et al. Since the systems librarian at WSU might look at this I want to suggest the removal of the PDF info from the MARC. This is all speculation right now though since I'm not fully educated on MARC.
  • no, publishers protect their data better than that. Having an EBSCO (or any other database provider's) item URL doesn't get you anywhere unless you're on an IP range of a subscribing institution (or otherwise authenticated as a user with legal access).

    My suspicion is that this really is about the MARC data, which libraries buy for not insignificant amounts of money from OCLC and/or the LoC. But it would seem very odd that this would be an issue for a small library like Wright State, where much larger libraries - Harvard, the LoC etc.- make their individual MARC data easily available. But you'd have to find this out from your librarians.
  • When I use the "Screen" option, with MARC selected as the output I get the translator error. Is there any way to import the MARC data that is emailed to me into Zotero? Sorry I'm being high maintenance on this.
  • In would seem to be a perversion of the MARC format to embed PDFs & I don't think that is likely. They may link to them & allow for easier semi-automated downloading. What led you to this hypotehesis?
    So, it seems that they had to remove all of the MARC records from their catalog because of them being illegally downloaded.
    I personally think this is insane--a MARC record is a routine recitation of facts and is not copyrightable. I've never seen it include full text. It may point to where you can find full text (but this is not copyrightable information). It may include a summary/abstract/etc. & this can be creative, but it should be, at minimum, fair use to store these for the purpose of citation tracking.

    That being said, some libraries or data providers have tried to apply a copyright license to MARC records and/or place them under a user agreement that may attempt to curtail certain actions (such as automated or semi-automated downloading).

    Some data providers are also reactionary to trends they don't understand (such as the sudden increase in MARC records downloads when they had not been used in the past).
  • My point for the Screen button is that the catalog _should_ show the MARC, but at least for me it doesn't - it just shows a blank screen.

    As for importing the e-mailed record - that won't work for the MARC, which is in human-readable format (the InnoPAC translator converts it into genuine machine-readable MARC, which Zotero reads) but you can import the ProCite or the Endnote formats that the catalog will show or send to you - just copy them and use import from clipboard in Zotero.
  • edited March 12, 2013
    @noksagt; I was told that the amount of traffic that was part of the reason for the removal, so perhaps if our systems librarian peruses this thread they will feel better about keeping it up there.

    @adamsmith; Yes, I reread your response and realized I misunderstood about the screen display, and will try Endnote and ProCite formats next.
  • edited March 12, 2013
    I want to fully disclose that the librarians I spoke to were reference librarians, and therefore their understanding of the situation and my translation may not corroborate exactly what our systems librarian's rationale is.

    Also, I am not sure why I thought PDF information was embedded in the MARC, I could have sworn Zotero had some PDF information in the info section of each entry, but I think I am confounding that with the full text of the abstract that is included. Perhaps I am just losing my mind...
  • edited March 12, 2013
    Neither Endnote or ProCite data would import, I used both displayed data and emailed data. :( I hope they start including the data again.
  • sorry, ProCite wouldn't work, but the Endnote one generally should. It just misses the item Type declaration in the first line. For books that's

    %0 Book
    (that's the number zero, not the capital letter o)
    that's for books. For other item types see the list:
    the relevant ones are the types in quotation marks after the colon.
  • Excellent! Still more steps than I should have to take, but it gets it done! Worked like a charm, even with multiple entries!
  • dumb question but you do need to use the WS library catalog? Couldn't you just use someone else's until this is fixed?
  • Yeah, I could go to LoC, but since I have a user account at WSU I can just pull up my list of checked out books and, if it were working, import each one with a single click. I suppose, if I used this work around with the Endnote data, and I imported it more than 4 or 5 references at a time, it would actually be fewer steps than importing them one at a time from their item page.
  • They have told me they wont be putting the MARC data up any time soon. I did not actually get to speak with the systems librarian, they sent a message through a reference librarian to let me know. It seems there were quite a few instances of bulk downloads that they feel is a security risk. It sounds as if they may be willing to find a security answer and put the data back up if there is an outcry from students who use bibliographic tools such as Zotero. I suppose though, most people will either hand enter or go back to RefWorks, which is included in our tuition, but I find inferior to Zotero.
  • After speaking with a reference librarian in person, what I was told was the bulk downloads were basically taking whole chunks of catalog information, and that the downloads originated from somewhere overseas. One of the explanations was that they found the Toledo system that Zotero suggests to hinder the security of the website. I find this incredibly strange, almost unbelievable, but I guess they are trying to protect what they see as proprietary data. However, they snuck the MARC back in, but they "hid it." So, now you can have the MARC data displayed on the screen with the export tool, but I guess that really doesn't help since I cannot import that data to Zotero.
  • One of the explanations was that they found the Toledo system that Zotero suggests to hinder the security of the website.
    sorry, I don't follow here, could you elaborate on that?
  • This is all I was told:

    "There were some security concerns when our catalog had the MARC display records easily accessible the way the Toledo system is shown in the example Zotero support provided."

    If that's not helpful I am sorry.
  • I'm sorry about this.
    This reason is obviously nonsense - every major US academic library - Harvard, Yale, LoC, University of Chicago, UIUC, UC Berkeley (they even have an InnoPAC catalog:, CU Boulder, UofM Ann Arbor, NYPL - as well as most smaller academic libraries all make their MARC available in one way or the other. The idea that this poses a security risk for a small/mid-size library like Wright State is absurd.
    But obviously there is little you - or we - can do about that.
  • edited March 13, 2013
    Well, one thing I can definitely do is thank you very much for you input and help. I fully agree that I am being placated by reference librarians with bunk explanations, and as a bourgeoning information professional I am borderline insulted by the explanation as well as the removal of the MARC data. I am going to do everything I can to find out what is going on and to make sure this is not some knee jerk reaction to something that our systems librarian does not understand, or that they are trying to force us into using RefWorks which is integrated into the WSU catalog.
  • However, they snuck the MARC back in, but they "hid it." So, now you can have the MARC data displayed on the screen with the export tool, but I guess that really doesn't help since I cannot import that data to Zotero.
    By this I assume you meant the email method. Otherwise, we might be able to work with it.

    I think I remember having a brief discussion about falling back to BibTeX or RIS for one of these catalog translators. If that is accessible, we can try to use it. What do you think adamsmith? (I have not explored the catalog yet)
  • It was the screen display method, which shows as a catalog entry on my Zotero button, but still has a translator error.
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