Sort order of formatted output of API call

I'm a bit at a loss as to where to post a question about using the API. So I just do it here:

I'm using the API to get a XHTML formatted bibliography from one of my collections:

wget --no-check-certificate -O- --header="Zotero-API-Version: 2" ""

I would like to be able to use the results of this API key in the CV on my website. However, for this I want the list to be orderd by date, descending order.

Now, according to the API documentation, the "order" and "sort" parameters are not available for "format=bib".

Is there any way to achieve what I want? Should I file a feature request?

Your help is greatly appreciated =)

PS: I didn't send this to zotero-dev, because at not to use the list for user-support questions, and I'm a user of Zotero ...
  • This should really go to the zotero-dev list.
  • You can post this to the dev list. All API discussion happens there.
  • Okay, I can ask there. But I think you should make it clear at some place that you expect API-related questions on the zotero-dev list.

    For someone not involved in Zotero's development, the API is a public service and has nothing to do with the development of Zotero itself.
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