Zotero no longer syncing on my Mac OS X 10.6.8
The circular arrow just spins and spins but never syncs or provides and error message. Sometimes an orange circle with an "!" appears next the circular arrow.
Can anyone tell me how to start trouble shooting?
Can anyone tell me how to start trouble shooting?
If so, provide a Debug ID for the first few minutes of a new sync (after temporarily disabling auto-sync if you need to).
This is what I got for a Debug ID:
version => 3.0.13, platform => MacIntel, oscpu => Intel Mac OS X 10.6, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 3.0.13
(5)(+0000000): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='lastlocalsync'
(5)(+0006723): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='lastlocalsync'
(And no need to post the output here—just the Debug ID is sufficient.)
Even with the new version, "submit to zotero server is not working" just more endless uploading. I have pasted the output below
version =>, platform => MacIntel, oscpu => Intel Mac OS X 10.6, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion =>
(5)(+0000000): SELECT subject FROM relations WHERE predicate != ? UNION SELECT object FROM relations WHERE predicate != ?
(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 1 of type string: "dc:isReplacedBy"
(5)(+0000000): Binding parameter 2 of type string: "dc:isReplacedBy"
(3)(+0000001): Session ID not available -- logging in
(3)(+0000000): HTTP POST version=9&username=jpowers1&password=******** to https://sync.zotero.org/login
(5)(+0000237): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='lastlocalsync'