Style Error: [SAGE Vancouver]

When zotero formats the bibliography in Sage Vancouver, the journal articles look like this:

Morris JRW. Accelerometry – A Technique for the Measurement of Human Body Movements. J Biomech [Internet]. 1973 Nov [cited 2011 Nov 10];6(6):729–736. Available from:

However, the style guide makes no mention of including the
[cited 2011 Nov 10]
text, and certainly not the
Available from:
line. It's like a combination between the journal and website citation options. Also, there should only be 3 authors listed before the et al kicks in. Can someone update this quickly? Thanks! Link to style guide:

(I see that the main Vancouver style was just updated yesterday - if this is a derived style then the changes make sense, but are not proper).
  • are you actually getting that output in a Word document or using "Create Bibliography"?
    I know the repository shows this, but you'd only get that output with the "Include URLs" checkbox in the Cite-->Styles tab of the Zotero preferences checked (which generally isn't advised except for MLA style).

    I'll fix the et al settings.
  • Oh! I never saw that checkbox before, but yet it was checked. Un-checking it did the trick for the extra URLs, etc. But yes I was seeing that in the Word bibliography.

    Thanks for tackling the 3 authors et al issue!
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