Zotero downloads then deletes PDF
For about a year now Zotero appeared to not download any PDFs on the page I was reading, those that have working translators, like those in acs.org. I ignored the problem, but I just noticed something: Zotero appears to download and then immediately delete the PDF! That is, when I click the download icon in the address bar, both the snapshot and PDF appear to be downloading and I see the icons/lines for these in Zotero, but immediately the PDF disappears and I'm left with just the snapshot. Any ideas? I apologize if I missed this issue in a previous post.
Here is an example of a NOT working article (PDF does not download):
Here is an example of a WORKING article (PDF downloads as expected):
Please let me know what other information you need from me!
Thank you,
- Can you open the PDF w/Links from the URL above?
- Are you using Zotero in Firefox or with another browser and connector?
- Are those the URLs as you see them or is there an institutional proxy in the URL (something like: http://pubs.acs.org.ezproxy.yourinstitution.edu//doi/abs/10.1021/jp310110r )
That is a bit annoying. I can download the article and add it manually, but I would love to rely on automatic solution.
I've tried to use VPN and proxy from different institutions without success.
The disappearing of the PDF itself is not a bug, but Zotero doing what it's supposed to do when something isn't a PDF. That's exactly what happened in the thread you link to.
The problem is always site/translator specific, so we need sample URLs. Also, see again the question on whether this is using Firefox or Standalone.
I'm using firefox and chrome with connector (with proxy, with VPN).
I've tested two sites above.
But also for my searched articles I could not get pdfs from APS and ACS sites. This is systematic.
Have a feeling that this is related to zotero and how it parse the pages.
Please write what kind of feedback or information would you need.
As adamsmith said, we need sample URLs where this happens—not just site names—in order to debug this further. A Debug ID for a save attempt would also be helpful.
Start a new thread, say whether you have ever gotten any PDF to attach, e.g. on open access sites such as
also, include information on 5,6, and 11 here: http://www.zotero.org/support/troubleshooting_translator_issues
edit: like Dan says, specific sample URLs and Debug would be helpful as well, but do start a new thread please.
Zotero standalone 3.0.14, ZotFile 2.3.1, three journals:
1) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/ra/c3ra23239e
"Full Text PDF" is added and then dissapears
2) http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v138/i3/p034703_s1
Webpage snapshot added, which is not expected, because in general preferences the corresponding field are untick
3) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja310640b
"Full Text PDF" is added and then dissapears
This is the same as reported by Frisbee. The Debug ID is D1106735880.
Just updated translators and turned off addons.
1) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/ra/c3ra23239e
"Full Text PDF" is added and then dissapears
2) http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v138/i3/p034703_s1
Webpage snapshot added, which is still unexpected and strange
3) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja310640b
PDF attached!!!
The Debug ID is D1314614383.
1) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/ra/c3ra23239e
"Full Text PDF" is added and then dissapears
2) http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v138/i3/p034703_s1
Webpage snapshot added, but should not be
3) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja310640b
"Full Text PDF" is added and then dissapears
The Debug ID is D283072362.
AIP PDFs won't attach with connectors, so that's as expected.
(5)(+0000063): CookieSandbox: Managing cookies for
(5)(+0000000): CookieSandbox: Added cookies for request to
(5)(+0000179): CookieSandbox: Managing cookies for
(5)(+0000000): CookieSandbox: Slurped cookies from
(5)(+0000002): CookieSandbox: Managing cookies for
(5)(+0000000): CookieSandbox: Added cookies for request to
(5)(+0000128): CookieSandbox: Managing cookies for
(2)(+0000206): Downloaded PDF did not have MIME type
'application/pdf' in Attachments.importFromURL()
<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "http://pubs.rsc.org/Content/dtd/custom.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="
(3)(+0000000): Deleting item 2475
(We only include snippets in the debug output, so I can't tell you what the pages say, but clearly it's getting HTML pages back.)
Any progress with this? I was using the Firefox version on Linux, but the problem continues to occur on Windows. I am indeed using a proxy: ezproxy.cul.columbia.edu.
URLs for which it occurs (in Windows I get a red X for the PDF):
Working URLs:
Note that the last links in each section above are nearly identical but only one works!
Through my proxy I certainly have permissions to get the PDF, and clicking on the PDF link (e.g., PDF w/links) definitely always brings up the PDF in Firefox.
Thanks to everybody,
If not, we'd like a debug ID for one of the failing downloads from you, too.
I have the same problem with APS online journals with the Zotero plugin on Ubuntu. I have access to the journals through my University.
For example, the pdf link in:
Maybe the problem relates in the check that is performed by APS before accessing the pdf (one has to click on a picture of A. Einstein).
Actually for me a workaround is to select the pdf link in the browser and click the image to get access to the pdf, then going back to the initial page and Saving to Zotero as usual. For some minutes Zotero has no problems in importing APS pdfs, because the "Einstein check" is not performed anymore.
Hope this helps,