synching - added new library and it doesn't show up online in my account

I added a new library a few days ago. It shows up in Firefox on the computer I used for the addition, but the new library doesn't show up on my home computer or in my online account. I have automatic synching selected and have run manual synchs several times. Any idea what's going on? I'm a little concerned that the server doesn't seem to have the new library on record.

  • Well, tried all the things at this link. I had to go into the Extensions and reset, hoping to have the libraries on my computer get uploaded to the server. That didn't work either, and now I have nothing on the Zotero server at all. The synch keeps telling me I have an author field that's too long, but I don't -- I can't find the item in any library on my computer. Fortunately, I did make backup exports of my libraries (RDF files), so my question now is can I just upload those to the server directly? I'm also willing to delete my Zotero account and just start a new one if that's easier.
  • edited February 13, 2013
    You can't upload RDF to the server and RDF is not a back-up:

    But I don't see why you'd need a back-up: If I understand you correctly, all your items are still in your local library, only sync doesn't work.

    As for that - trust the error message, Zotero isn't typically wrong about these things: Start by emptying your Zotero trash at the bottom of your left hand panel and try syncing again. If that doesn't help, try searching for it (using, of course, the search function) again. If that doesn't get you anywhere, provide an error report ID as described by the kb article Dan points you to.

    Do _not_ try to fix this doing random things like reset sync history or reset to server. You shouldn't use those unless you really know what you are doing or you're told to use them - otherwise they're useless at best and may make things worse
  • correct - all the items are still in my library on my computer.

    I emptied the trash - the bad item WAS in there.

    I'll give it another sync try. The libraries are large (probably 1500 pp in MS Word altogether), so I know it would take a while.

  • awesome - that worked.

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