Can't save blog post when it contains biblio references

Here's a peculiar situation, but one that happens sometimes, and not just with blogs but on some of the journal indexes as well.

Typically, when you want to save a blog post you just click the icon on the right side of the Firefox address bar and it saves that post to your zotero library. However, if the blob post has some bibliographic references at the bottom of it, instead of seeing the blog post icon, you'll see the folder icon. When you click on the folder, you'll see a list of those bibliography entries, but you will not see a choice to save the blog post itself.

Here's an example:

And as I said, sometimes this happens when I want to save a journal entry from one of the big indexes if the page contains a bunch of biblio entries.

It would be great if, when the page contains biblio references, the folder icon appeared alongside the icon for the page you're looking at. That way, adding that page (blog, journal reference, whatever) to your library would be no different from any other time, but if you want to add some of the references on that page you still have that option with the added folder icon.

  • Addendum: I realize that you could click the generic "Create New Item from Current Page" button, but then you have to change the type to "Blog Post" and add all the metadata manually, which is something that the blog icon button would take care of if it was still available in the address bar.
  • edited January 21, 2013
    As you say, that page contains COinS and DOIs, which Zotero prefers over Embedded Metadata (which I think is what it would typically use to fetch generic blog pages).

    If you are using Firefox, you could right-click on the folder icon and choose to use the Embedded Metadata translator instead of COinS or DOI. This right-click menu is not available in Safari or Chrome due to technical limitations.

    Unfortunately, the page you link to does not contain Embedded Metadata at all, so Embedded Metadata translator is not an option in Firefox either. "Create New Item from Current Page" appears to be the only option for what you want to accomplish. In other words, besides the references on the page, Zotero does not recognize any usable metadata.

    "Create New Item from Current Page" creates a Web Page item with very limited metadata (title, URL and date accessed). There has been some discussion about having this feature use Embedded Metadata to create more accurate items, but this has not been implemented yet. Again, this would not help with the page you link to above, but it would be helpful in Chrome and Safari on other pages.

    Edit: fixed typo and clarified
  • Ah, I see what you're saying. That particular blog would not trigger the icon for adding a blog entry anyway because it doesn't have the metadata it needs. It looks like NONE of the blogs at have metadata for their posts the way most blogs do. I'll contact them about that. That's a pretty big deficiency for their entire site.

    Thanks aurimas!
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