book section cite displays book title instead of article title
Given this entry:
This is incorrect behavior, right? Suggestions? I'm not currently using the dev styles/xpi.
in Chicago full note style (with bib), I get the following citation:Schwantes, Carlos A. “No Aid and No Comfort: Early Transportation and the Origins of Tourism in the Northern West.” In Seeing and Being Seen: Tourism in the American West, edited by David M. Wrobel and Patricia Nelson Limerick, 125-141. University Press Of Kansas, 2001.
Zotero seems to be treating the book title as the section title - it even puts it in quotes rather than italicizing.Schwantes, “Seeing and Being Seen,” 129.
This is incorrect behavior, right? Suggestions? I'm not currently using the dev styles/xpi.
I'm guessing you downloaded the book citation from the web (which would automatically put part of book title before the column into the Short Title field) and then created the Book Section by duplicating the book and typing the chapter title manually. In such cases, you need to change the short title manually as well.