Ordering Citations in Quick Add Dialogue
I distinctly recall being able to adjust the order of citations in the quick add dialogue by dragging them with the mouse into the appropriate positions. This doesn't seem to be possible anymore. Has the functionality been removed, or is this a bug?
kart majerebump
GracileI can't remember having used this option but you can switch to the Classic view as a workaround (or disable automatic sorting): http://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_usage#quick_format_citation_dialog (scroll down to "Citations with Multiple Cited Items" and "Switching to the "Classic View"").
adamsmith(that said, regardless of whether that used to work or never did, it would be a nice feature)
kart majereedited December 14, 2012THanks Gracile. The classic view is a workaround I've been using on ocassion but its not ideal as the window is too small and doesn't show the years of publications which I've already selected (i.e. in the right pane). As far as automatic sorting, its peculiar that on my quick citation dialog the option to (dis)able automatic sorting is not there-its presence seems to depend on the citation style.