Problem while syncing a group

[JavaScript Error: "[Exception... "'Invalid output from server (Report ID: b519a297ef)' when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult: "0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING)" location: "native frame :: :: :: line 0" data: no]"]

(I've uploaded the log: D726956602)

This is what I get when trying to sync a group folder on one PC (it works fine on another one). Any ideas? Thanks.
  • version => 3.0m298
    You're not using the official version of Zotero.
  • Dan,

    Thanks for answering. And yes that is correct: we are using the multilingual version, which is the only one that allows us to properly cite sources multi-lingually. But so is that the reason it isn't working? The strange thing is that it is working fine (with the same version on MLZ) on ONE (notebook) PC and is NOT working on another (desktop) PC.
  • edited December 1, 2012
    I'm not saying that's the reason—there's a good chance it's not, in this case—but, as a general rule, you have to reproduce problems in the official version of Zotero for us to be able to help you here. Frank provides support for MLZ, not us. When posting about MLZ issues here, you should include "[MLZ]" in the subject line so that he sees it.

    In any case, it looks like you're in quite a few large groups and somehow ended up with your client trying to do a full download of all your data. If you have another computer that's working and don't need the data on this computer, you can transfer your data directory from the other computer.

    An upcoming version of Zotero will sync libraries separately, which will avoid problems like this.
  • edited December 1, 2012
    Thanks again. My apologies - I'll make sure that my team follows these MLZ suggestions. And I must say that Frank has been fantastic in his support to our team.

    On the issue at hand: I guess I could do what you suggest. But I hope you understand my reluctance here: we pay Zotero for storage PRECISELY to be able to avoid this (version control issues in a large group: we have about 10 people working with this group now all across the world).

    But so once I've manually copied the group from one PC to another, will the sync'ing be able to 'recognize' it? Or do I run the risk that it will download everything again once a future version allows for selective syncing?
  • edited December 1, 2012
    Well, first, you should try just syncing again, and post here when you do. There's a timeout issue with very large downloads that we've been trying to fix, but we should be able to get it to go through.

    Also, to be clear, a full download shouldn't happen in general usage except when you're setting up a new computer. But there are a few uncommon situations in which Zotero reverts to a full sync. Those will go away in the upcoming version.

    If you do have to copy from another computer, it should be sufficient in this case to copy just the zotero.sqlite file (which you can zip up first if it's large). Zotero will pick up wherever that computer was and sync down any files it doesn't have.
  • Thanks Dan. After experimenting with it a bit, I found out that the other pc also wasn't fully sync'ed and that the read-only problem was caused (as others here have pointed out) by Kaspersky. I've paused the Kaspersky protection for a while, and progress in syncing now seems to be proceeding at a nice, uninterrupted pace. I'll now try the same on the other PC and will report back. But so indeed, for those with syncing issues: an over-zealous anti-virus program might be the culprit.
  • OK, great. That wasn't the issue with at least one of your download attempts, but it sounds like the earlier problem cleared itself up.
  • Yes, the one pc is now fully synced, but the other one still was not. So I have, at Frank's suggestion, reinstalled the official Zotero and am now syncing again. It's still running and seems to be working (it's suggesting conflict resolution), but it's getting late here. Still I've uploaded a temporary debugging report D1897762125. I'll let this sync run its course. If it works properly (as seems to be the case), we will know that we're dealing with an MLZ bug, and Frank is already looking into this. More on this tomorrow morning!
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