Imported Qiqqa tags
I'm trying to figure out how feasible it is to maintain my database in both zotero and qiqqa - each has strong features i would like to use.
Successfully imported my qiqqa library - with pdfs! - into zotero. Great! But my tags are messed up. Any simple solution here other than going through and renaming/re-assigning tags?
At very least, it would be nice to be able to search by tag and then re-tag the items that come up.
Successfully imported my qiqqa library - with pdfs! - into zotero. Great! But my tags are messed up. Any simple solution here other than going through and renaming/re-assigning tags?
At very least, it would be nice to be able to search by tag and then re-tag the items that come up.
(In general I do not think it's realistically feasible or desirable to use two citation managers. You do lose data/details exporting and importing, it messes with sync and it messes with word processor integration.)
(Qiqqa has different functions from Zotero - better annotation and tab searches)
I realize that Qiqqa has features Zotero doesn't have - I'm just saying you will spend much more time fixing issues with import/export and its consequences than you'll benefit from the features - not just initially to get things working but also in the long term. It's up to you of course, that's just a recommendation to stick with one of the two. (I want to get the keyboard import fixed in any case, so I'm happy to work with you on that either way).
, title = {Evidence for public health policy on inequalities: 2: Assembling the evidence jigsaw}
, author = {Whitehead, M. and Petticrew, M. and Graham, H. and Macintyre, S.J. and Bambra, C. and Egan, M.}
, journal = {Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health}
, volume = {58}
, number = {10}
, pages = {817--821}
, year = {2004}
, publisher = {BMJ Publishing Group Ltd}
, filename = {I:\Office\AcadWork\ELPH\References\Qiqqa\docs\Whitehead2004 - Evidence for public health policy on inequalities- 2- Assembling the evidence jigsaw.pdf}
, file = {Whitehead2004 - Evidence for public health policy on inequalities- 2- Assembling the evidence jigsaw.pdf:docs/Whitehead2004 - Evidence for public health policy on inequalities- 2- Assembling the evidence jigsaw.pdf:application/pdf}
, tags = {ELPH;Equity}
, keywords = {ELPH;Equity}
The tags show up as "ELPH;Equity" in zotero. Would be nice if they could be separated on import.
I've been using qiqqa but am certainly interesting in learning what zotero has to offer, especially if I can transfer the work I've done so far with relative ease!
The bibLaTeX manual
is quite explicit about the lists being comma separated (p. 29).
Stepping back:
If you replace the semicolon between ELPH and Equity with a comma, these will import as separate tags in Zotero, depending on whether you have semicolons anywhere else in your data a very simple search & replace would work. I think the cleanest solution would be to suggest to Qiqqa that they use commas instead of semicolons as that is closer to the established norm.
That said, unless there are objections by someone, I would add the semicolon as a possible delimiter for keywords - this isn't unheard of in general, see e.g. here: and I currently can't think of a downside, but it's possible I'm missing something.
While we're fixing BibTeX, I think should be /\s+/
And should probably account for spaces preceding a comma (and now semicolon)
the main feature of qiqqa that i plan to use is the annotation reporter. i'm in the process of studying for phd exams and need to be able to make searchable notes on a large number of pdfs and print those notes along with relevant content in some kind of systematic fashion. i also want to be able to quickly see which documents have what tags.
can zotero help me do this? i know a lot of people who love zotero and i would like to use it if i can.
Use Zotfile to extract annotations into notes:
Display items with their tags and notes using reports;
It's not quite what Qiqqa does - e.g. you don't get the nice snippet images from the articles in the notes/reports - but it provides most of the functionality.
Any problems let us know.
Almost sold on your annotation protocol, except that my reports are produced with html interspersed, and many spaces missing, e.g.:
<p>"itisbeingincreasinglyrecognisedthatmarinefishingis an essential element of broader integrated coastal management strategies [3,5,6]. This Special Issue therefore asks: What are the social and cultural impacts of marine fishing on coastal communities, and how can approaches to valuing these impacts be developed and integrated into the policy process?" (Urquhart et al 2012:1)</p><p><i>5 capitals assessment - oyster farming had a positive effect on social fabric (note on p.2)</i></p><br>
what can i do differently?
How can I fix this? I've just spend 2 weeks annotating full-time, and it's a bit late to switch back to Qiqqa...
Also, are you aware of a simple workflow protocol for using zotfile with dropbox and an ipad or other tablet? I saw you warned someone else about pointing directly to dropbox?
(the article is on the Zotpad iOS app page, but applies generally).
The other option is to use Zotfile's "send to tablet" function.
On reports, please follow-up with Dan in the other thread on posted to: