Multimarkdown bibliography prefix and citation suffix

Can anyone help add something that is hopefully simple to an existing style, e.g. to Elsevier Harvard?

I need
prepended to each bibliographic entry, and citations in the form
[regular citation bit that appears in the text][#firstauthorlastname_firstwordoftitle_year]

That's it! Simple, right? Only when I tried to do this myself, using the feature to grab only the first author's last name, it seemed to remove the first author from the rest of the citation. Obviously I have no clue as to what I'm doing. If someone could even give me a few clues I might be able to finish it off.

It's probably best to write a macro to do the [#firstauthorlastname_firstwordoftitle_year] bit, so that it can be prepended to the bibliographic entries and appended to the citation bits. You might recognize this format, Zotero uses this general format as the ID when it's doing BibTex export.

I'm using Multimarkdown [Penny 2011][#penny_multimarkdown_2011] to compose with Zotero, and building LaTeX and PDF's via BibTeX. For LaTeX and PDFs it would simply be a convenience to be able to shift-drag a citation like [Hunt and Abraham, 2005][#hunt_design_2005] , and let zotero/bibtex/LaTeX handle the rest.

But Multimarkdown also builds nice html, with references properly formatted if you have a bibliography in the same file with the proper id formatted.

Here is an example from one of my papers, if I want to reference [Hunt and Abraham, 2005][#hunt_design_2005] I do it just like that.

PS I also want to italicize titles by putting _underscores_ around them, that's how multimarkdown italicizes. But there's another post in the forum [Craig, 2012][#craig_zotero_2012] that shows how to do that


[#hunt_design_2005]: Hunt, J. D., and J.E. Abraham. 2005. “Design and Implementation of PECAS: A Generalized System for the Allocation of Economic Production, Exchange and Consumption Quantities.” In _Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Models: Behavioural Foundations_, ed. Martin Lee Gosselin and Sean Doherty, 253–274. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

[#craig_zotero_2012]: Craig. “Zotero Forums - MultiMarkdown Chicago Style.” Forum, February 10, 2012.

[#penny_multimarkdown_2011]: Penny, Fletcher T. 2011. “MultiMarkdown User’s Guide Version 3.2.”
  • you know that Zotero has the ability to automatically create bibtex with such citekeys, right? There is also an unofficial custom translator that allows you to create just the citekey
    (the most recent version is in the last post - the older ones won't work).
    While you can get just the first author's name using CSL (by using et-al-min=2 et-al-use-first="1" on cs:name)
    You can't get just the first word of the title - CSL is an xml format, not a programming language, so it doesn't support random transformations.
  • Thanks for the clues! I was able to easily modify the drag-and-drop-bibtex-cite to drag-and-drop-multimarkdown-cite.

    Is there a way to export using a CSL style from an translator javascript? If I could generate the reference string using the CSL I could prepend the citation index easily enough by hacking the BibTex translators.
  • Is there a way to export using a CSL style from an translator javascript?
    I don't think so, though Simon would have to say for sure. There definitely is no existing example of this.
  • Thanks again. Before you responded, I started another discussion over in the other group on translators:
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