"The attached file could not be found. It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero."


Have been working with Zotero for a year and is the first time that I have a problem with it. Have the last version of Zotero, same computer..... non-big changes. Have not changed any of the configuration that I have been using.

When I save an item in my library everything seems to go as normal for around 20 seconds. The pdf file and snapshot is there and everything ok. However, the pdf and snapshot disappear after few seconds.

If I try to open the pdf just after saving the item it pops up the next message:
"The attached file could not be found.

It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero. Locate... or Cancel"

It happens with all the databases that normally work. (jstor, science direct, Wesley...etc..)

I've been downloading, since I got this issue, the pdf manually and everything works well. Is not a big issue but I want to be able to keep saving those extra seconds that take downloading the pdf and attach it.

Not and expert with computers at all, so hope that I could receive some "for dummies like" help


Federico Andrade Rivas
  • Provide a Debug ID for a save attempt that fails.
  • The Debug ID is D1409835150
  • edited March 7, 2012
    [JavaScript Error: "[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) [nsIFileInputStream.init]" nsresult: "0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/file.js :: getContents :: line 90" data: no]" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/file.js" line: 90}]
    We can't recall seeing this before. If you're running any sort of security software on your system, try disabling it—something might be interfering with Zotero's ability to save to disk. (This is much more common with Zotero for Firefox and shouldn't be the case for Zotero Standalone, but it's worth trying.)
  • I've using the same security as before. I tried turning off all security, including Windows firewall, but keep presenting the same issue.

    Is re installing Zotero a good option? If I do that, will I have issues with my library?
  • Reinstalling Zotero won't affect your data, but it's unlikely to do help.

    Is your Zotero data directory saved in the default location, or have you moved it somewhere else?
  • Since I installed the programme, I moved my Zotero data directory to "My documents". But this happened a year ago a never had a problem with it.

    Is this an issue if I re-install Zotero?
  • For a reason that I can´t understand, it does work with BioMed Central through Pubmed. Only one so far....
  • OK, but the data directory is still on the local hard drive, not an external drive, in Dropbox, etc.?

    I'm afraid I don't really have any other suggestions for you other than to try to figure out what about your system is preventing this from working. We haven't seen this anywhere else, so it seems to be something specific to your setup.

    Try reinstalling, but I'd be surprised if it would help. Your data won't be affected, in any case.
  • Hi, I'm having the same trouble as well.
  • Same issue here. I'm not sure if it helps, but when I get the error and select "Locate...", then find and select the appropriate file, I again get the error after trying to access the file through Zotero.
  • ddialdin and wfranko: No way to tell if it's the same issue unless you provide Debug IDs for save attempts that fail.
  • Yes, the data directory is in my local hard drive and not related with any external drive or dropbox.

    I will try to re-install but want to know how do I add my data directory again... I remember that I tried to do it when I just started using Zotero and I could not. Was not an issue because I only had like 5 items.

    Hope that the information from ddialdin and wfrank Debug´s help some how.

  • Apologies:
    ID: 1706407574
    OSX 10.7.3
    FF 10.0.2
    Zotero 3.0.3
  • Federico: Reinstalling doesn't do anything to your data.

    wfranko: There are no Zotero errors in there. Start a new thread and provide a Debug ID for locating a missing file and then attempting to open it.
  • Same problem - D1849267725. (btw - this is from a shared group library: so a colleague downloaded it, it synced, but when I try opening the pdf on my computer, I get the same error message as the others here.
    Any ideas?
  • can you access the file online at zotero.org?
  • edited November 13, 2012
    HCSS: This is a generic message, so there's no point in posting to an existing thread. Read Files Not Syncing, and if you're still having trouble start a new thread with more details.

    Closing this thread.
This discussion has been closed.