Months display fine - seasons don't...

As far as my testing goes, I can manage to display months absolutely fine - but for some reason, seasons don't seem to be recognized as such.

A article-journal instance with date set to "Winter 2003", only displays "Winter" (even though the field recognized the "y" part and nothing else), also "Potato 2003" displays only "Potato" as well - works the same for every standard style i have installed as well.

Maybe its a mistake on my part somewhere, still, would appreciate a lot if someone could help me find it!
  • This should also be resolved since you updated to Zotero 2.1.5.
  • It is resolved in part. It does print out whatever string is alongside the year's number properly, season of not whereas it didn't before, so props for that!

    Problem is, the style i'm creating will be used in a frech-speaking institution, and us weirdos have season names with accents in them ^^

    Printemps 2003 - displays "Printemps 2003" in a citation.
    Automne 2003 - displays "Automne 2003" in a citation.
    Hiver 2003 - displays "Hiver 2003"...

    "Été 2003" - displays "t 2003".

    Weird thing is - for months, if I put in 2003-8 - It does render "août 2003" properly.

  • Similarly British quarterlies publish an "Autumn" edition rather than "Fall".

    I have in front of me the May-June 1976 issue of Art in America which shows up as "June 1976" in my footnotes and bibliography -- which sadly isn't quite accurate.

    A solution would be much appreciated.

    All the best,
  • date ranges (whether days, months, or years) aren't currently supported. That's known and a fix is planned.

    I don't see the problem of Autumn vs. Fall? Zotero will just print whatever is in the date field.
  • Has the fix for this been worked out yet? I am trying to cite the following using CMoS:

    Robert M. Frame III and Richard E. Mitchell, “Constructing Suburbia: The Hidden Role of Prestressed Concrete,” Minnesota History 64 (Winter 2014-2015): 160–161, 164, 166.

    but the date displays as (Winter -2015 2014). Is there a way around this at all? thanks.
  • You could try entering Winter as the issue (which is correct, too), I think that's the best I have for now in terms of a workaround. No changes yet on the date field.
  • I'm trying to get Automne 1998, for a magazine issue, but I don't know how to code it. I entered Automne 1998 in the Zotero date field, but it doesn't show in my bibliography. Yet the month is showing in the place where I wrote March 2002. This is a French language style. Can someone help me?

    GINESTE, Karine, et Jacques GRISÉ (1998). « Le conseil en management : une profession en mutation », dans Organisations et territoires, vol. 7, no 2, p. 73, 88, 92.
    LEE, Kangoh (2002). « An analysis of Welfare effects of legislative term limits », dans Public Choice, vol. 110, nos 3-4 (mars), p. 20-39.

  • Same as above -- Zotero doesn't recognize seasons in the date field. Best solution is to put something like 2 (Autumn) in the issue field.
  • Thanks Adamsmith, I had understood from the first post on this thread and from this from Rintze M. Zelle that seasons were now supported.

    CSL 1.0 includes four new season terms, season-01 to season-04 (respectively Spring, Summer, Autumn
    and Winter). If a date includes a season instead of a month, the season term will substituted the
    month date-part. E.g.,

    would result in “May 2008” and “Winter 2009”.
  • CSL yes, but Zotero has no way to pass this information on to the citation styles correctly.
  • Ah, OK. That explains it.
  • I think you might be able to work around this by using the Extra field like this:

    issued: 2009-24-00

    I think I remember reading that the numeric representations for seasons used by citeproc-js (Zptero’s citation processor) are 21-24, but I can’t find the reference.
  • I think I remember reading that the numeric representations for seasons used by citeproc-js (Zptero’s citation processor) are 21-24, but I can’t find the reference.
    @fbennett, do you know if this ever showed up in some citeproc-js documentation, and if so, where? I did find the numbering (21-24) mentioned in the Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF) draft spec:
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