This is such a great piece of software. You could greatly increase the number of potential users and include a hole bunch of engineers, if you would include publicly accessible patent databases like
I would second the vote for Google Patents ( if anyone is still counting votes. Google makes a great patent search tool here, and the easy pdf download of patents is excellent, but a another tool is desperately needed to keep track of patent prior art research by project, and Zotero would be a rather slick way to get this done.
The first poster mentioned This is run by all academic, inc., which also runs the conference archives for several political science and international relations conferences (and possibly quite a few others). Adding All Academic, Inc. would be fantastic.
Please please please - I know this has been requested before, but a translator the European Patent Office website would be fabulous ( - covers US, Europe, most o fteh workd etc and largely free to use, so would be a translator of benefit to many!
I'll second the request by toruser34 for a translator for the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin ( and Deutsche Nationalbibliothek ( Esp. the latter one would be highly appreciated, as they receive a copy of every book printed in Germany(thus saving a lot of typing if bibliographing lesser known works)
"Michael" is a way to explore the European digital cultural heritage
Through the multilingual MICHAEL service you can find and explore digital collections from museums, archives, libraries and other cultural institutions from across Europe. Whether you are interested in art or archaeology, family history or planning holidays, the Romans or modern History, MICHAEL can show you what is available.
It's a huge database very usefull for all numeric documents in Europe
This appears to be a more useful/extensive index than the British Library Integrated Catalogue (, which Zotero already supports.
There are a large set of journals in the Lippincott site ( for which the abstracts do not seem to be supported by Zotero. I regularly use Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, and the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Second the request for HeinOnline; it gives an error now. Also:
It would be nice to see a specialized grabber for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Eg: ) ... while it correctly picks up Author and Title, it sees it as merely a webpage rather than an encyclopedia entry, and thus the citations it generates are off.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (eg: is another peer-reviewed encyclopedia that would be good to have a translator for; here Zotero doesn't grab it at all. Same with Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (eg: ).
and please!
at please!
(Espacenet is sufficient for most purposes)
This is one of the largest bibliographical archaeological and philological databases.
Through the multilingual MICHAEL service you can find and explore digital collections from museums, archives, libraries and other cultural institutions from across Europe. Whether you are interested in art or archaeology, family history or planning holidays, the Romans or modern History, MICHAEL can show you what is available.
It's a huge database very usefull for all numeric documents in Europe
This appears to be a more useful/extensive index than the British Library Integrated Catalogue (, which Zotero already supports.
Both of these sites host a large number of law journals in their databases.
It would be nice to see a specialized grabber for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Eg: ) ... while it correctly picks up Author and Title, it sees it as merely a webpage rather than an encyclopedia entry, and thus the citations it generates are off.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (eg: is another peer-reviewed encyclopedia that would be good to have a translator for; here Zotero doesn't grab it at all. Same with Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (eg: ).