The author name should be formatted AU - Lastname,Firstname
That is, with no space between the comma and the first name.
Documentation provided at shows that there is a space after comma. That's how we're exporting right now too. What specification are you referring to?
Edit: I think I see what you mean. In their examples they do show it without a space. I think space makes sense and looks much better.
Edit2: just noticed that in one of the examples they include a space. Sigh
Deleting the N1 line did work. I guess I will just wait for that update to go through to import the rest of my library. Thank you so much for your help!
I've pushed out an update for this. You can wait up to 24 hours for the translator to update automatically, or update manually from Gears menu -> Preferences -> General -> Update Now
Edit: I think I see what you mean. In their examples they do show it without a space. I think space makes sense and looks much better.
Edit2: just noticed that in one of the examples they include a space. Sigh
Let us know if things aren't working.