How do you update saved attached documents?

I have attached research articles to the articles on Zotero. I have made some changes to the pdfs. For example, I highlighted a few things or inserted notes etc. When I make changes to the pdf document it does not save the changes in the document attached in zotero. Is there anyway that if I make changes to a pdf document that it will be updated in the attached document as well? So that if I open the pdf directly from Zotero the changes will be saved there?
  • When I make changes to the pdf document it does not save the changes in the document attached in zotero.
    Yes it does. The document attached in Zotero is a regular file - if you make changes to that file it those are saved as for any other file on your computer.
  • I have two of the same pdf. One I have attached in Zotero and the other I have on my desktop. When I make changes to the one on my desktop it does not save those changes for the one attached in Zotero. It will only save the changes to the file attached in Zotero if I make those changes directly to the attached file but again it will not make those changes to the file on my desktop. Help.
  • don't keep two copies of the same pdf. There is no reason for that and - just like you can't keep to files the same anywhere else on the computer - you can't do that with Zotero.

    If you want the same file in two locations - say on your Desktop and in the Zotero folder, use a link/shortcut or use a virtual folder to have all pdfs available outside of Zotero.
  • would you please explain more step-by-step for mac how to have a folder to have all my pdfs available outside of zotero?? thanx!
  • please don't double post:
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