No language interface selection?
I happen to be using Japanese Win7, and Zotero installation defaults to a Japanese interface. Most other programs offer some place to change to the language setting (I want English), but I can't find anything like this in the options. Am I missing something? Or does ths need to be added?
Forgot to mention that I am using Standalone, but yes, I was able to open up the config file and make the necessary change. I'd still like to suggest that a standard language selector be added to the settings tab, like virtually every other modern application has.
please help ?
There are step by step instructions on that link. If you don't understand them or they don't work for you we need specifics, something like:
"I don't understand what is meant by "Type about:config into the Firefox address bar" - where should I type about:config?"
(Also note that you should only be using FF 10 if you're using the extended support version of Firefox. Otherwise you should update to FF 15).