No language interface selection?

I happen to be using Japanese Win7, and Zotero installation defaults to a Japanese interface. Most other programs offer some place to change to the language setting (I want English), but I can't find anything like this in the options. Am I missing something? Or does ths need to be added?
  • Thanks, Dan.

    Forgot to mention that I am using Standalone, but yes, I was able to open up the config file and make the necessary change. I'd still like to suggest that a standard language selector be added to the settings tab, like virtually every other modern application has.
  • I agree that that setting should be in the prefs, and we've long planned to add it there, but a visible interface language option is hardly universal. Most programs that don't distribute separate versions just use the OS language.
  • I have win XP in English, with regional options set to Finnish style. I just installed Zotero stndalone, and all the menus are in Finnish. It is the only program with Finnish menus in my computer. To use anything but English means to be deprived of all support (how would you like: "I cannot find any way to swhich languages. I looked under Muokkaa and Työkalut Lisävalinnat, nothing there..."). I would guess that anyone who ever thinks about managing references knows enough English to manage the few menus.
  • Yes, I did that, thnks. It has to be done before you install the standalone, or you have to reinstall after those tricks. I can live with that, but for most our users it is not very nice. My main question is: why do we need the language versions? Or perhaps less provocatively: what is wrong with firefox / zotero-installation program as the language seems to get chosen to match the Regional Options setting, not the language of the OS.
  • It has to be done before you install the standalone, or you have to reinstall after those tricks.
    That's not true. You'd just have to restart the program. Reinstalling wouldn't do anything, since all that does is replace static application files.
  • how can i convert my zotero from arabic language to english language in arabic xp operting system ? please
  • no preference in firfox 10 and i cant download it
    please help ?
  • sorry, I don't follow.
    There are step by step instructions on that link. If you don't understand them or they don't work for you we need specifics, something like:
    "I don't understand what is meant by "Type about:config into the Firefox address bar" - where should I type about:config?"

    (Also note that you should only be using FF 10 if you're using the extended support version of Firefox. Otherwise you should update to FF 15).
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